Ally's Hangout

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active affectionate altruistic animated arousing artsy athletic attractive beautiful benevolent bizarre bold breezy caring challenging cheerful colorful concerned content courageous crazy creative cute daring dramatic ducky easy eclectic elegant energizing enthusiastic excessive exhausting exciting exhilarating faithful fashionable fast flirtatious floral fortunate fragrant friendly fruity generous giving gorgeous happy healthy hot hyper imaginative joyful kewl lavish lively loud lovable lucky luscious magnanimous musical mythical mysterious mystifying never-ending obsessive outgoing peachy perky perplexing posh purple racy redalent reliable sassy saucy scandalous scary sensual sexy special spicy sporty starry stellar stimulating strange stylish suggestive sunny sweet talented thoughtful thrilling unique vivacious weird wild woogle young zesty

My Philosophies...
My Pictures...

Hey everyone, thanks so much for taking the time to visit my site! I'm Alex...known to my close friends as Xand, Ally, or Al...I'm 5'1", green eyes, brown hair. Take the time to look around my site, some of the stuff is really old, *most of the quotes are from 8th grade* but I've just started updating again...I hope you guys enjoy it! Make sure to sign my questbook, and check to see if you're on the shoutouts. Don't forget to visit my other pages, they're all fuckin great! Love you!

THIS IS THE COOLEST LOVE CALCULATOR! Type in your name and your crushes name, then click "Click me, baby" See your compadability!

+ =

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Just wanna give a little shout-out to some of my good friends who put up with me every day! *email me if you want to be on here!*

Kayla- Ahh...what a wonderful person you are. I don't think I could create any form of website without mentioning you and recognizing you as my best friend. We have so many inside jokes its not even funny... You're GOD DAMN RIGHT I WILL! Snow White and the 7 Pimps *you do an awesome pimp walk* you're such a fuckass. You can go suck a fuck! Ri-tard Bend and Snap! Just like senior year except FUNNER! Yeah, seances rock with hot sethan! Have you seen my oboe? I love you! If I was a barbie, and someone bought me, I would yell at them! "You sound Like a John and tony smithson who just swallowed an OWL!" Don't you love our tank ass snowman!? Can we not watch the throw up movie, please? I miss you so much and I cant wait to see you! 12-12-12-36 CELERY!!!
Elliott-Number 3 on your back, number 1 in my heart. You're the best dude, I can't wait to see you again.
Justin-We always have such fun together, I can't wait to see you again...more fun times at Hannyspanks and the plaza!
Sam- I miss you a ton, me anytime!

Asya-OMG ur the coolest person I've ever met! its weird to find someone up here who actually makes sense I love you so much! Just quoting friends everyday makes me happy....YEAH IT DOES! *monica voice* GAGADOO!
Linz- You're the coolest, most intelligent person and I love hanging out with you. Summer 04' baby, it kicks ass! Never forget bio and all our other classes much fun. I love you, whore. *Sam's Words of Wisdom* MUTATION MUTATION MUTATION IN THE FETUS! I still stick to the fact that you are the most brilliant person I've ever met at our age. Everything we do together is loads of fun, I'm so glad we're good friends.
Megan- Dude you are the shit! I love hanging out with you, you still like me even tho I'm a complete spaz. I can't wait til next year, hopefully we'll have some classes together!
Ryan- What the fuck am I going to do when you leave? I'm gunna miss you...and our late night chats. I love you so much even though I have trouble saying it sometimes...I'll always have your jacket..and our memories.
Mandy-Man I love you, thru thick and thin you'll always be my sister, and I'll always be there for you, babe!


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**************SOME OF MY MOST SEXCELLENT QUOTES******************

*Sex is evil. Evil is a sin. Sin is forgiven. So lets begin*~Jessica
*Boys suck*~ME!
*Mental anxiety, Mental breakdowns, Menstrual cramps, Menopause... Did you ever notice how all of women's problems begin with MEN!?!?!?*~Stephie
*True friends stab from the front*~Stephie's page
* Ally in a nutshell, now honestly, could I fit into a nutshell?*~ Stephie
*Yeah ya do!!*~Your Mom!~*

Ally's Fortune Teller

Your question:
Ally the Fortune Teller says:

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Some of my fave sites, Try 'em!

Hinduism-An Introduction
Launch-a great place to listen to music
My Online Diary-but it's pretty old!

Ally's 20 Commandments

  • Thou shall not lie
  • Thou shall not be cruel
  • Thou shall not put others down
  • Thou shall not be jealous
  • Thou shall not argue
  • Thou shall be humble and meek
  • Thou shall be passionate
  • Thou shall be productive
  • Thou shall have faith
  • Thou shall have conviction
  • Thou shall be kind
  • Thou shall be generous
  • Thou shall not wish one's life away
  • Thou shall not ask for more than he needs
  • Thou shall bring peace
  • Thou shall not pick on others
  • Thou shall not gossip
  • Thou shall be romantic
  • Thou shall not obey their parents
  • Thou shall respect everyones beliefs, rights, and opinions
