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This is an old Les Paul copy I completely tore down,refinished and then replaced just about everything on it.It's not a rare guitar,or even a good copy guitar for that matter.It's a guitar that has been around since I can remember,so this was a sentimentel project more than anything.I learned to play and appreciate the guitar with this instrument. This is quick overview of what I did.

This is the guitar sanded down.The machine head holes are filled and the neck joint is being cleaned up.The photo on the right shows the guitar gutted and ready for sanding.

Here is the body and the neck getting one of many coats of primer.My workshop was both cold and damp which made priming and painting a hassle.

Here the guitar is being re wired with new electronics.The pots,switch and input jack are all brand new.

The guitar at this point is primed,painted and laquered.The machine heads are brand new gold Grovers.The truss rod cover is from a Gibson dress up kit and was modified to fit.

This is the body of the guitar just about finished.The pickups are brand new B.C. Rich Humbuckers.The rings are brand new Gibson parts as is the pickguard and the swith plate ring.The bridge and stop tailpiece are "no names".The strap knobs are also brand new Gibson parts. The only original parts are the speed knobs.The graphic is a custom made decal that I ordered.