1957: Oct S.America Antonio Villas-Boas

Antonio Villas-Boas

In October 1957 a young South American farmer called Antonio Villas-Boas came forward with a story that shocked the world of UFOlogy. UFOlogy had only just started to except that people were seeing landed UFO's but this story was to prove the turning point in many ways.

On October 5th, Villas-Boas was in his room after a party and for some reason decided to look out of his window. There he saw a bright fluorescent light hovering just above the tree line of a nearby wood. He called his brother Jaoa who also witnessed this sighting. Neither of the men could explained this sighting and the object soon disappeared.

A few days later, Villas-Boas was working late in his field when he observed a strange circular object coming towards him. He tried to drive away in his tractor but the engine and lights both failed. He felt unable to move as the object started to land just a few feet away from where he was seated.

As the UFO approached the ground, three telescopic legs came from the object and rested on the ground. Suddenly he felt several hands grabbing him and before he knew what was happening he was being led inside the craft. He shouted for help but no one came.

He was led into a large brightly lit room with a metal rod running from the floor to the ceiling. The creatures started to talk amongst themselves in a strange growling language. Soon after this the creature removed his clothes, "washed" him in an oily substance and left the room.

Villas-Boas suddenly became very tired and he rested on a "couch" like object. Soon after that the door opened to a reveal a naked semi-humanoid woman. He soon found himself having intercourse with the creature. After he an ejaculated the woman rose up and as she was about to leave the room pointed to her stomach and then to the sky.

He was then taken on a brief "tour" of the craft with the creatures talking amongst themselves and never speaking to him. He was then led out of the craft which soon took off and rose at a tremendous speed.

It was several weeks before he told his mother and brother what had happened and it was a further 2 years before he made it public. He was later interviewed by many UFO researchers, the first of which was Dr. Olavo Fontes of APRO.

Every investigator has reported that Villas-Boas is one of the most genuine people that they have every interviewed. His story never changed and when he could not answer a question he never tried to embellish. He was regarded as a man of low intelligence and this led many investigators to claim that the story that he told was too full of detail and strangeness to be made up by such a simple person.

This case has never been explained and he never made any money from his experience. This case has been looked at again since the spate of abduction reports since the 1980's and large portions of his story still hold true in today's modern "Alien Abduction" stories.

1961: Sept Portsmouth, New Hampshire, U.S.A Betty and Barney Hill


One of the first people to claim to of been abducted by Aliens, apart from the famous 'contactees' of the 40s and 50s, was actually a couple.(This is most unusual as most abductions tend to be of one person).

The couple were Betty and Barney Hill.

During September 1961 they were driving back from a holiday in Canada through the White Mountains. They noticed a light that seemed to be following them, they assumed that it was an airplane or helicopter.

After driving for a while they were forced to stop the car because the light had descended rapidly and was now much closer. Barney got out to get a better look with the aid of his binoculars, and described the object as 'banana like with pointed tips and windows'.

Barney started to walk slowly towards the craft, and it was only after several desperate calls from his wife's that he return to the car. He claimed to have see aliens through the window. At this they drove back home .

However, they soon realised that more than an hour of time was 'lost' and noticed that the car had strange blotches on it. Betty reported it to Pease Air Force Base who confirmed that they had indeed tracked an unknown object around that time and location.

Soon afterward Betty began having strange nightmares involving 'aliens'. She consulted several doctors who suggested hypnosis. Both the Hills were hypnotised by Dr Benjamin Simon who was amazed by what the couple were independently describing. They told of being taken onboard the UFO and having 'medical' tests performed on them.

Betty also remembered being shown a 'star-map' of where the aliens came from. Under further hypnotic sessions they were able to re-create the star map which turned out to be very close to a known star system.

The exact planet that Betty was shown circled the star Zeta Reticulli.

This case was later made into a TV movie called 'The UFO Incident'.

1973: The Pascagoula Incident

Pascagoula Incident

The Pascagoula Incident involved two men, nineteen-year-old Calvin Parker and forty-two-year old Charles Hickson, both of Gautier, Mississippi, who were fishing in the Pascagoula River when they heard a buzzing noise behind them. Both turned and were terrified to see a ten-foot-wide, eight-foot-high, glowing egg-shaped object with blue lights at its front hovering just above the ground about forty feet from the river bank. As the men, frozen with fright, watched, a door appeared in the object, and three strange Beings floated just above the river towards them.

The Beings had legs but did not use them. They were about five feet tall, had bullet-shaped heads without necks, slits for mouths, and where their noses or ears would be, they had thin, conical objects sticking out, like carrots from a snowman's head. They had no eyes, grey, wrinkled skin, round feet, and clawlike hands.

Two of the beings seized Hickson; when the third grabbed Parker, the teenager fainted with fright. Hickson claimed that when the Beings placed their hands under his arms, his body became numb, and that then they floated him into a brightly lit room in the UFO's interior, where he was subjected to a medical examination with an eyelike device which, like Hickson himself, was floating in mid-air.

At the end of the examination, the Beings simply left Hickson floating, paralysed but for his eyes, and went to examine Parker, who, Hickson believed was in another room. Twenty minutes after Hickson had first observed the UFO, he was floated back outside and released. He found Parker weeping and praying on the ground near him. Moments later, the object rose straight up and shot out of site.

Expecting only ridicule if they were to tell anyone what had happened, Hickson and Parker initially decided to keep quiet; but then, because the government might want, or ought, to know about it, they telephoned Kessler Air Force Base in Biloxi. A sergeant there told them to contact the sheriff. But uncertain about the reception their bizarre story might get from the local law, they drove to the local newspaper office to speak to a reporter. When they found the office closed, Hickson and Parker felt they had no alternative but to talk to the sheriff.

The sheriff, after listening to their story, put Hickson and Parker in a room wired for sound in the belief that if the two men were left alone they would reveal their hoax; of course they did not. The local press reported their tale; the wire services picked it up; and within several days the Pascagoula Encounter was major news all over the country. The Aerial Phenomena Research Organisation (APRO), founded in 1952, sent University of California engineering professor James Harder to Mississippi to investigate; J. Allen Hynek, representing the Air Force, also arrived. Together they interviews the witnesses. Harder hypnotised Hickson but had to terminate the session when Hickson became too frightened to continue.

Hickson and Parker both subsequently passed lie detector tests. Hynek and Harder believed the two men's story. And Hynek was later quoted as saying "There was definitely something here that was not terrestrial".

1975: Nov 5th Heber, Arizona, U.S.A Travis Walton

Travis Walton

On the 5th November 1975 Mike Rogers and his crew of 6 forestry workers were travelling back in their truck from work to the forest of Heber, Arizona when Alan Dalis, one of the crew members spotted a large glow coming from above a group of trees.

As they got closer they noticed a disk hovering about 20 feet above the ground. They stopped the truck to take a closer look when one of the crew jumped out to get an even closer look . Travis Walton was approaching the object when it started to make a strange noise and before the rest of the crew could do anything a large beam of light struck Travis which sent him tumbling backwards.

At this point Mike Rodgers, the driver, panicked and drove the truck away. After a short distance the men forced Mike to drive back to collect their fellow worker. When they returned there was no sign of the object or of Travis.

A police investigation started as soon as the men reported what had happened, and an extensive search was carried out of the abduction area. Many people believed that the men had murdered Travis and used the UFO as a cover story.

The men requested that they take a lie detector test to try and clear their names. The first polygraph test was inconclusive, however, a second, indicated that they were telling the truth about what they had witnessed.

On November 10th, 5 days after the abduction, Travis's brother-in-law received a phone call from Travis and they went to pick him up a few miles outside of Heber. When they found him he was naked, distraught and confused.

Soon afterwards he began to recall the events of the past few days. He told a story of aliens who were about 5 feet tall with domed hairless heads, large eyes, tiny ears and nose, and a slit for a mouth who performed various 'experiments' on him.

He also reported many other strange events such as seeing an 'almost' human entity who showed him around but did not answer his questions, and also of a control room where he could see through the exterior of the craft a gaze at the stars.

A film was produced called 'Fire in the Sky' which dramatised the above events.

Since the film Travis has passed 2 more lie-detector test, but has refused to be hypnotically regressed as he fears it will bring out too many disturbing memories.

1978: 3rd March Fragata Pelotas, Brazil

Fragata Pelotas, Brazil

On 3rd March 1978 a significant abduction case occurred in Fragata Pelotas, Brazil. The case is all the more remarkable because it has features which echo the earlier claims of Antonio Villas Boas and yet has claims which predate the events at Gulf Breeze, Florida in the late 1980s.

On 3rd March 1978, Jose Alvaro walked towards a house owned by his father to check that it was locked up. He claims that he was then struck by a blue beam and knocked out. When he awoke Alvaro believes that the words 'The task is accomplished' were in his mind, together with violent images running as if in a movie.

Hypnosis sessions were set up by UFO investigators and a psychologist. During these sessions Alvaro claimed that he was led into a room where a tall female humanoid rubbed him down and forced him to have sex with her.

1978: 21st Oct Bass Strait, Australia Frederick Valentich

Frederick Valentich

Frederick Valentich, 20, was a keen flyer and was also a keen UFO reader. On October 21st 1978 he decided to take his Cessna from Melbourne and fly over the Bass Strait up to King Island. Valentich knew that in the last week there had been numerous reports of strange cigar-shaped objects spotted in the Bass Strait area.

He set off early evening just as it was becoming dark, and was over half way into his journey. He had around 30 minutes left before he would be over land again, but was in constant contact with Steve Robey, the duty officer at Melbourne Air Traffic Control.

At 19:06 Valentich called Robey and asked "Is there any traffic in my area below 5,000 feet?". Robey replied that there was no other craft expected in that area.

Valentich replied "Four bright....seems to me like landing lights....just passed over me. At least a 1000 feet above.". Valentich became more concerned and reported:
"It's approaching now from due east, towards me....It seems to me that he's playing some sort of game...He's flying over me....It's not an aircraft, it's.....It's a long shape....cannot identify...the thing is just orbiting on top of me....It's got a green light and sort of metallic-like...It's all shiny on the outside".

Valentich then radioed that his engine was not working properly and informed Melbourne that he would try and make it to King Island. He then suddenly cried out:
"Ah, Melbourne, that strange craft is hovering on top of me again...It's hovering and it's not an aircraft!".

There was then a cry, followed by a strange metallic grinding noise. Then nothing.

Despite several days of land, air, and sea search no trace of Valentich or his Cessna were ever found.

Again various theories were put forward ranging from Valentich plotting his own disappearance and faking a close encounter to that of a fateful meeting with drug smugglers.

Even to this day no one is sure what happened to Frederick Valentich.

1988: Jan 20th Nullabor S.Australia

Nullabor S.Australia

On the 20th January 1988, whilst driving on the Eyre Highway, Nullarbor, Australia Faye Knowles her 3 sons and the family dog, were travelling towards South Australia to visit some relatives.

As they were driving along they suddenly saw a strange light ahead of them. It was pale yellow and seemed to be zigzagging around. The object then shot straight towards the Knowles family and hovered right in front of the car. They described the object as looking like an egg in an egg cup.

After swerving and zigzagging themselves to try and get clear of the object they suddenly realised that the object was now hovering directly above their car. The Knowles family could hear a high-pitched humming sound as the car was being tossed from side to side by apparently very strong winds.

During this time they also noticed a terrible smell of electrical burning, and the car was filling up with a strange grey mist. All of a sudden they realised that the car was no longer touching the surface of the road. It seemed to be hovering a few meters up.

After a short while the car crashed back down to earth and crashed off the edge of the highway. Inside the car there was a fine sprinkling of powder and a the strange electrical burning smell.

They reported the incident to both police and UFO investigators, who took samples of the grey powder. The powder contained chemicals very similar to those that NASA use to coat the surface of the space shuttle.

One theory put forward was that they had been engulfed in a fierce and very unusual form of electrically charged tornado.

1989: April Manhatten (Budd Hopkins)


Budd Hopkins the famous UFO writer and 'expert' on UFO abductions has dealt with many 'victims' of abductions but in most cases he has obtained no backup evidence that some has actually occurred,(apart from the mental scars).

However, one case which intrigued him was when he received a letter from 2 men, Richard and Dan and claimed to be New York police officers. They claimed to have lived with a terrible experience, one of the men was so shocked that he was on the point of nervous breakdown. The letter said that he would be sitting in his car looking up at an apartment block in Manhattan waiting for 'them' to return.

The letter went on in detail to say how on November 30th 1989, they had seen a young woman in a night-gown float out of her 12th floor windows surrounded by strange little creatures. They then saw the creatures take the women into a saucer-like craft, which then sped away.

The amazing thing was that a women who had visited Budd regarding an alleged abduction lived at the apartment block in question and also reported the abduction on the night in question.

Richard and Dan only contacted Budd once more and provided a few extra details. These included an audio tape, and information as to how their car had stopped for no reason just before the sighting began.