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~*A LiL TaStE Of HeAvEn...*~

You wanna see....

Note: Tha pictures of me are pretty ancient lol, so unless it says its new, then its pretty old..

Me Me Me
My Buddies
Muh Family
Baby Pics of ME :)
My Matt :)
Favorite Music Stars
Song of the Week

¤ I'm nöt §uppö§ëd tö lövë yöu, I'm nöt §uppö§ëd tö carë, I'm nöt §uppö§ëd tö live my lifë, wi§hing yöu wërë thërë. I'm nöt §uppö§ëd tö wöndër whërë yöu arë ör what yöu dö, I'm §örry I ju§t can't hëlp my§ëlf, I fëll in lövë with yöu¤ *sighs*

Last updated: 11.20.02

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Haha, I took the Bitch Test on look at my results!lol. The average is 38%..haha, i was hopin to be at least a lil bit of a bitch.. but 95% of the people are
