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Vital Statistics:

Name: Isaac David Rosenthal (That's Bosco to you)
Occupation: Quality Control Guy, Kleen Test Products
Lives at: Port Washington, WI 53074
Thinks it would be cool if it were called: NinjaVille, WI 53074

About Bosco:

Whenever I have to type about me, I have this urge to simply type the following: "I don't have much of a story". Now, maybe that's not true, but the biggest trials and tribulations I've had are just molehills compared to other peoples' tales of wonder. I'll just say what's going on and what I'm into. Here goes...

On May 15th 2000, I had gotten evicted from where I was living before now. I had moved out of my parent's house September 1999, and now I'm back, and they have a computer, and I didn't back there, so that's the story on how I got a hold of this technology.

Anyhow, I play drums for a hardcore band called World Asleep. It's pretty cool. I've wanted to be in a band forever, and now we're playing shows. It's like a dream come true. Maybe we'll make it big, who knows? We already have a 6 song EP out there. Soon, we'll be playing in a BIG venue, though we have to pay to play there. I plan on having a blast, nonetheless. Our band and like 9 others around the area will be there. And this place is HUGE from what I've been told by Larry, the show's organizer (Larry's in a kickass metal band called Rictus Grin, and they are playing too). We get to go backstage and chill and I'm planning on getting L-O-A-D-E-D! You see, I'm a new initiate to the few, the proud, the boozehounds! I took up drinking this year, and it treats me good, better than illegal substances. I can't stand "dope". When I say "dope", I mean all illegal substances. I hate marijuana with an unequalled passion. I've tried it, and I almost always ended up a goddamned killing machine from the reactions I got from the stuff. That and my ex-girlfriend smokes up all the time. She's an evil bitch...But enough about that.

I used to skateboard, but I got into an accident and gave my deck away. I used my deck to get places, but now that i just bought a truck, I don't need it anyway. I never really knew tricks so why skate, right? Besides, with my luck, I'd get a ticket for skating. Well, my truck kicks ass. It's fun to throw aluminum cans in the bed of it and make it rattle down the road. It makes people look around and go, "huh?".

I write a comic book called NinjaVille!, which is put out on a VERY sporadic basis. I only produced the first issue April 1999, but never fear, I AM working on #2 , and it's gonna be HELLA COOL! Comic books are sweet. My favorites are as follows: Slacker Comics, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Mirage), Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Squee!, Milk and Cheese, Ninja High School... the list could very well go on forever, there's just so much I have to read.

I am also a huge admirer of music, usually the kinds no one really likes. The following are the main staples of my musical diet: KMFDM, MDFMK, Ministry (and all their side projects), Nine Inch Nails, Atari Teenage Riot, Bloodhound Gang, Lords of Acid, Praga Khan, Mr. Bungle, Static-X, Primus, Rammstein, Skinny Puppy, Pig.

Well, I can't think of any more stuff to talk about, but feel free to ask me stuff via e-mail or via my guestbook...

UPDATE on things that might pertain to me:

I just recently got an account at , so if you want to look through words about my life then I suggest you follow the link that's on the main page.

Oh, and by the way, if you're wondering how Doomsday 2000 was, I'd have to say that our band did great and I wrote a fairly small public apology in the guestbook of Rictus Grin's Website.

Okay, I'm done now. Bye-bye. Back to the Main Page