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Vero's Christian Site

Hi, my name is Veronica. This webpage is dedicated to serving the Lord in a special way. I have discovered the joy of serving God through music, and I would like to share it with others. In this page you will be able to hear through MIDI a few of the songs I have written. I have also added links to other Christian websites that have music, graphics, and other useful information.

Although I have written several songs, the only ones available on MIDI as of now are
Till I Found You, The Coming of Christ and Our Father.

Recently I recorded an album with several Christian songs as well as two love songs. If you would like to listen to a few mp3 files,
click here.

Other Christian Websites

Songs of Praise

Christ Art

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please email me
by clicking on the mailbox below.

Unpdated March 18, 2003