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The Best Night Of Our Lives!!!!

Hello! This is Becca, Ashley and Jessica. The reason for this site is to tell you all about the best night of our lives, the day we went to our 1st Backstreet Boys concert and show you great pictures to go along with the stories we tell. There will never be another experience as special as this one and we will cherish it in our hearts forever. This day was the day our dreams came true. We had looked forward to that day for not only months but years. And to finally see that our idols and the loves of our lives aren't just some people made up to be put on a poster, but they are actually a real and true person is very GREAT!!!! This page is very new so please bare with us as we begin to create it. Thanks and KTBSPA!!!!


Here's where the concert was. The Pyramid in Memphis, Tennessee.
This one was taken from the bridge as we were arriving in Memphis. We were sooo excited!

And this one was taken before the concert when we were right in front of it.

Me(becca) & Ashley had went up to Memphis earlier than Jessica so we had time to visit and hang out. Here is us on Beale St. at the Hard Rock Cafe

And here is us with a statue of Elvis

After we had went to these places and more we decided to head to The Peabody Hotel cause we had heard the guys were staying there. We were right. The guys were there and were in their room as we speak! But unfortunately we didn't get to see them. But later on when we were talking, at the concert, to some people we had seen in the Lobby they said they got to see Howie's sister! And another person and her friend got to talk to Nick and they saw Howie at the bar across the street! *tisk tisk D* Here's us at a sign by the Peabody upset that we couldn't see our guys!

After we went there we went to find a place to eat. Since things on Beale St. were rather expensive we searched for a fast food place. Luckily McDonalds came to the rescue. While we were in there the Manager saw our shirts and asked if we were in town for the backstreet boys concert. We told him yes and then he told us that they were coming to this very exact McDonalds after the show was over to eat! But he said that they were locking the doors so nobody was allowed to enter at that time. We begged for him to let us hide in the bathrooms but he said no. how rude! :) So once we had eaten we decided to go up to the arena and stay till they allowed us to go in. After a while we saw these buses pull up...could they be?? Why of course they are! They were the buses of the Backstreet Boys!!! The bus in the picture was the one that the guys were apparently in because the people on top of the arena started screaming Howie and AJ!!!

Then we went upstairs on the arena and could hear the guys having a sound check! It was pretty kewl! About 6:00 or so they started letting us in. We quickly found out seats and the screaming began!!! We were closer to the stage than we had ever imagined!!!!! 2nd row!!!!!! All we knew was that is was down there...but not 2nd row!!!!! After we calmed down we quickly made friends with the nice security guards! They were totally kewl! There was one other bald guy that was kewl too. The skinny security gaurd in the picture told us to go ask him if we could rub his I did. And he let us! And every time we would walk by after that he'd bend his head down for us to rub it! It was funny!

Here's some pictures of what the stage looked like. It's kind of blurry but you can still get an idea!

Jessica's Howie Site
Ashley's Kevin Site
Becca's Nick Site
Our AJ Site
Our Brian Site