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This is My Page!!! I found it under a shrub. Finders Keepers.

"We have been heartened by the ever so comforting and agreeable idea that people may speak to one another about us, too, when we shall no longer be alive; we have been encouraged by hearing from the mouths of a few of our contemporaries a certain voluptuous murmur which suggests what may be said of us by those happy and educated men in whose interests we have sacrificed ourselves, whom we esteem, and whom we love, even though they have not yet been born"
-Denis Diderot, also the creed of those few knights still furthering the good work.

Hi world! This page is long past due for a change, especially for those of you who aren't in constant contact with me (I guess that would be everyone, wouldn't it...?). I finally graduated in December of 2000, with a Bachelor's degree in Behavioral Science and a GPA of just under 3.0. The university did its best to change my degree requirements again, but no go this time :)

The next logical step was to find a job, before the world caught up with me. Easy enough, eh? So, I signed up with a freelance mental health agency, and I'm working as a crisis counselor for our four county area(check out a map, that's a lotta land to cover!).

The next obvious question to answer would be: What on earth does a crisis counselor do ?

What I do is I wait by the phone, and people call me up to tell me that they are going to or are in the process of killing themselves. Sometimes they make the attempt on the phone with me. My job is to talk them out of it and get them to a hospital and some long-term mental health care. Other callers I might get have just sliced themselves up, or have a loved one who's killed themselves. Often I work with people with mental illness: Bi-polar disorder, personality disorders, schizophrenia, all manner of psychoses. Quite often they don't want to tell me that they're killing/cutting/breaking themselves, so I have to figure that out on my own. And yes, people do actually call like this. Many of them. Often.

Oddly enough, I'm able to deal with all these calls pretty well. The one serious problem I have is wishing I had more freedom and free time. This kind of job takes a lot of down time, and mine is spent mostly in sleep.

While I'm coming up with some interesting things for this site, sign my slambook. Hey, it's fun for the whole family... Sign or View My SlamBook!

My favorite web pages...

Visit my dragon
Utopia strategy games
My friend Jenna's page
My Friend Carolyn's page
Kirrah Serran's web page
