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Where we're Barenaked all the time!

Welcome, to my BNL page!
Keep your eyes open for all the great stuff yet to come!
Yes, I'm under construstion, but it's for your own good!!! Come back soon!

Hello My name is Jessie.
And I am madly in love with BNL (nothing to say of my fondness of Steven Page) I have been listening to BNL (non-stop) For sometime now.
I find them very funny, yet oddly serious. I believe Barenaked Ladies is one of.. no is the best band out there.
Call me crazy and some do, but their words are meaningful! Inclosing (for now) I would like to say I hope you like my page I know I do. If your feeling snappy mail me, just for giggles!!           

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

my band the Gutter Minds

E-mail Jessie

No Nudes Here only Barenaked Ladies
Liz's Brothers Creeggan Page
Band Fuzz
Jane's & Enid's Addiction
Kewl BNL page
Brian's BNL page
BNL online
Squant Online

Hey everyone, first off, I got an award for mantaining my page. hehe My best friend gave it to me. Shes the webmaster of Band Fuzz, found on my links.
Secondly, I am planning on merging with Liz's site, No Nudes Here, Only Barenaked Ladies. The calabration should be a really intresting thing.
and Lastly, please keep a look out for my new site coming in June. The site is another with Liz, and we have big plans. The site is going to have a great section on our Trip to Toronto Ontario Canada, we are going on thi summer.

Keep your eyes open for all the changes! -Jess

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