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The Tamia Webring!
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Welcome to The Tamia Webring, the original webring devoted to r&b singer, producer, and actress Tamia Washington, as well as Tamia related sites. If you would like to join the ring, please fill out the form below and you will be added to the queue. We will notify you of your addition to the ring shortly.

Submit site to The Tamia Webring
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Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

You will be mailed confirmation of your submission shortly. Please note that in order to be approved you must copy and paste the HTML fragment that can be found below. Failure to do so will keep us from adding you to the ring.

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Click here for the HTML fragment code.

Buy Tamia's CD and more at CDNOW!

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