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Paul's Bio

Paul Cattermole is often regarded as the funny one in S Club 7 - or should that be the goofy one? You’ll recognise Paul cause of a scar between his eyebrows and four piercings all over his body - one of the top of his left ear, his ear lobe, his eyebrow and in his left nipple. A boxer shorts wearing, untidy guy who has worked as a barman, a theatre doorman, a dustman, a leaflet hander out person, a ceramic hygenist (a toilet cleaner, in other words) and a singer in loads of bands , Paul reckons that the others never listen to him - it’s probably cause he’s always speaking in foreign languages, even though he only knows the dirty words and phrases! Paul likes spaghetti, Paul Newman, talking, bossing people around, good music, the Great Gatsby, Robert deNiro, whole grilled chicken, his earlobes, and computer games. A self confessed worrier (Paul constantly frets over the size of his bum and whether he’s a fat), Paul hates it when he has to be romantic and he didn’t like having to do knitting classes at school. Before joining S Club 7, Paul had two very different career options in mind - should he become a particle physicist or a rugby player? To him, both seemed equally good, Paul confesses that he liked physics and school and he once won a competition to train with the English Rugby Squad. Paul, who the others reckon is kind of a leader in the group, says his dream car is an old Cobra which can go really fast really quickly, and his first car was a little Mini called Marvin, which he ran into the ground. ‘And before you ask,’ says Paul, ‘I won’t be calling my next car Howard!’

Paul's Stats:
Also known as: Cattermole, guacamole
Age: 22
Starsign: Pisces. "I'm a watery, imaginative Piscean."
Likes: Robert de Niro, whole grilled chicken, his ear lobes, The Great Gatsby and Sandra Bullock.
Dislikes: The fact that he's a bit of a worrier and having to take knitting classes at school.
Most likely to say: "Turn the music up."

It was a hard decision. Which career should he choose -performer or particle physicist? Paul certainly had the right family background. "My great grandfather was the managing director of Abbey Road studios, my grandfather was a nanoelectronic particle physicist," explains Paul. "I'm one of those strange people who actually liked physics at school."
