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This page is like a daily diary from Jen and Tanya. We will write in it some memories we have of the kelly family and other things. It will probably change a little as we go on but I hope you like to hear our "tales". We will be writing in our own colors so you can see who is writing what. Jen is in RED and Tanya is in PURPLE
February 5, 2000
Today I am going to write about the first time I saw a Kelly Family CD in a USA shop. It was a nice day on the 20th of October, 1998. I was susposed to be in my class at college but it was cancelled. So, I went downtown Minneapolis to the City Center Mall. I went to my favorite shop called Sam Goody's it is a hot music store. I saw that they had a little (TINY) advertisment about the new Kelly Family CD Almost Heaven. I was so excited!! I had to buy it! At this time I already had the Almost Heaven, Over the Hump, and Growin' Up Cd's. The cover on this new CD was different from the European CD. I bought it for $17.99. This is the picture of the USA version of Almost Heaven.
WHen I embraced "The Kelly Family" in the summer of 1997.
I felt as if I was on a cloud floating in heaven.
There was 4 girls and 5 boys and they brought so much joy into my life.
They all were unique in there own individual way.
But, one paticular young man caught my eyes in a gaze.
He was beautiful, and charming and his style was alarming.
He had long goldern locks that made women turn heads in shock.
He's exquisively graceful, and always tasteful.
He touched my heart and I fell apart.
With his romantic voice I'm, glad I made this choice.
Ever since that day I have loved him in everyway.
Copyright Orginal poem by ~*~Tanya~*~

This picture is my favorite because I love Angelo in his "yellowbananapants." In this picture he is showing he's having fun. He's being wild & crazy! I love him for that. If you know me well then you know how I got my nickname...