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what she has to say

Interview Quotes

A lot of the quotes courtesy of

"I knew that in pop music I had more of a chance to reach more people," Jessica offers, "I knew that somehow, it was all in God's plan for me to make the music I make and to touch the people."

"I feel like I can bring a freshness, no matter what age the person listening to my music is. And I think that freshness and that innocence is something that is missing from a lot of female singers. I'm certainly not denying that I'm young, but I'm not fluff."

"I was determined that I be able to stay who I am if I signed to a non-Christian music label," Jessica says firmly, "and when I met with Tommy Mottola (Chairman and CEO, Sony Music Entertainment) he was genuinely impressed with my beliefs and was completely supportive. I remember singing for him and he told me, "you are going to change the world with the power of your heart and your music. When he said that, I knew that I had a home with Sony."

"I know that innocence can be sexy and that you can be confident and at ease with your sexuality and your womanliness without having sex. I am."

"It's so important to me that people love themselves for who they are and that they appreciate all of the beauty that's in their souls."

"Praise music is my favorite music to sing, because it's like you're talking to God. And I know He's the One who has blessed me with my voice."

"My faith is the core of who I am as a person. My relationship with Christ is very personal, like a best friend."

"A lot of times on Sundays I can't attend church, but we hold our own service because my Dad's a preacher."

"I knew it's exactly what God wanted me to do."
When asked about her move to a secular label.

"For me personally, it was meant for God, but it can apply to Nick!"
When asked about "I Wanna Love You Forever".