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why jessica inspires

I’m sure when you hear the name Jessica Simpson, you automatically think of Mandy, Britney, and Christina. Though all 4 of these females share the same hair color and the same music genre. Jessica Simpson is defintaly different.

How many would lay their hearts open to the public by professing a faith in God, to talk about a personal relationship in God, and to tell the world that you are a virgin and plan to stay that way until you are married.

Not Many

Now the world knows you. Now they have this to use against you, waiting for you to fall. A big responsibility, huh? But Jessica only wants to inspire and touch people. To use the gift of her voice to reach out to those in need. Her lyrics aern’t ones that would make you want to go out and do something immoral or crazy, but they speak to the heart and soothe the soul. Maybe her music by itself wouldn’t impress you, but once you get to know her “heart of innocence” you’d be touched by her “faith in God” and you’d “wanna love God forever” and you’d want to be “where he is”.

Don’t get me wrong. Mandy, Christina, and Britney are all talented artists and deserve their success. But when it comes down to it, in this world that is crying out for a change, for some way to get a glimpse of the Father, people who show the light are desperetaly needed. We need more people to show that it is cool to believe in God, that we can love performing music and love him, that God can be our best friend. And Jessica Simpson shows us that.