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Welcome to the Gospel/Christian Songwriters Group

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"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonisning one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with grace in your hearts to the Lord" Colossians 3:16 We are curently on a break to revamp the association. Please keep in contact for new information. Gospel/Christian Songwriters Group is a Christian association for songwriters, lyricists, musicians, singers, poets and industry executives. Founded in November 1999 by Deborah Ulmer, our purpose is to glorify God by ministering to people through music. GCSG is available to help all ages, from professional to church to hobby, in any area of music and the industry. We want every one to be able to share their knoledge, learn, and work with one another. Our headquarters are located in Raleigh, NC. GCSG welcome anyone to our monthly meetings, but people from any area can join through our GCSG On the GO service. GCSG also hosts regular talent showcases and looking forward to providing seminars, workshops, instruction, critique services, and concerts in the future. Applications are accepted year-round. Contact GCSG at (919) 264-8963 or write to 3615 Marshlane Way , Raleigh, NC 27610. God Bless You!

GCSG Other Websites

GCSG events and news
CCSA: GCSG's mother organization

Helpful Christian Music Sites

Gospel Music Assocation
Christian music site
National Association of Christian Artists and Songwriters

Helpful Christian Publications

CCM: music, faith, & culture
Gospel Industry Today