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Nick Bio

Stats:, blond hair and blue eyes.
Born: 1/28/80, in Jamestown, NY. "I'm an Aquarius."
Home: "I have a big, airy house on the water with lots of land in the Tampa Area of Florida. My parents moved to LA."
Family: "Parents Jane and Bob; sisters BJ, Leslie and Angel; brother Aaron. Aaron and Angel are twins.
Sports:"I love basketball and enjoy watching football!"
Food: "I don't really cook. I love pizza and seafood."
Nicknames: Mr. Nintendo Freak, Frack, Kaos, Nicky.
Pets: 3 cats and 5 dogs.
Color: green.
TV Show: South Park.
Nights: "Go to the movies or walk on the beach."
Personality:"I'm shy, funny, and sometimes childish."
Love: "Have I ever been in love? I think so."
Girls: "My special girl would be one with a lot of personality, who would enjoy the same hobbies as me, and like me for the real me...not for being a Backstreet Boy."
Sadness: "When my first girlfriend broke up with me!"
Indulgences:"Buying Nintendo games and stuff for my family."
Scariest Stuff: "When I was small, I accidentally locked myself in a car. My mom got me out."
Worst Habit: "Sometimes I bite my nails."
Best Habit: "I treat people the way I wanna be treated, and I try to keep my friendships intact when I'm gone."
Embarrassing: "I was dancing on stage with my fly undone!"
Love Life: this blond boy love life is strange...he said the girl he was going out was a cousin, then he denied the fact and started to date her. We're talking about Mandy. There are many rumors about their relationship: they broke up, she slapped him, he went out with Britney Spears (Ugh!!!Nick, No!!!), she stole some things from his house, they've been living together for 2 years...well, the truth is that Nick is still the most desirable pop star in the world!
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