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Howie Bio

Stats:, black hair and brown eyes.
8/22/73, in Orlando, Florida. "I'm a Leo.
Home: "I'm building a condo, but right now, I'm still living with my family"
Family: "Parents Hoke and Paula, sibs are Angela, Caroline, PollyAnna and John."
Sports: "I love water-skiing, also working out."
Food: "I love Asian food, but I'm really not a cook."
Nicknames: Sweet D, Latin Lover.
Pets: "I don't have a pet...."
Color: purple.
TV Show: The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
Nights: "I love go to dinner and a club."
Odd Jobs: "At Zaro's Bread Basket in NY one summer. I mopped floors...I also worked at Universal Studios as a tour guide."
Personality: "I'm calm, level-headed, and mellow."
Love: "...we broke up in '94. It was a learining experience and I just got stronger."
Girls: "I enjoy someone quiet, shy, career-minded, and easy to talk to."
Sadness: "Losing my sister Caroline..."
Indulgences: "Clothes, plus I bring my family on the road."
Scariest Stuff: "When I was little I used to get lost in K-Mart..."
Worst Habit: "Picking out my clothes takes me a long time."
Best Habit: "I'm good at being on time."
Embarrassing: "I fell off stage during one of our shows. Recently, during a concert, of this new tour, I was flying and my pants opened..."
Love Life: he spent some time alone. He was going out in double-dates with his sis and friend Polly. There were many rumors about Howie's girlfriend. He went out with a girl named Angie and supposedly went out with Naima, from the group Honey Z. Howie didn't say 'yes' or 'no' to this. Now he's dating a beautiful model named Claudia. This couple rule!
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