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Mind Driver Page

8-5-02:::This is the First update of the site since April 24, 2001...That's a ver long time ago. I put some new stuff up and hopefully I'll continue to update and get some of my pictures up...Later all you crazy kids....-Carrie I added A link page to my page and you should check it out at the link>>>>> Link Page ................If you have any links you want me to add, just E-mail them to me at ....


Mind Driver is: Heath Cofran-Vocals Jimmy Lloyd- Guitar Carlos Ortega- Bass Mikey Burton- Drums Mind Driver is a really awsome band. They have been around since 1994. It was going to be a song with the guys that were playing together, and they liked it as a name. It has to do with a song being in your head the next day,and just having a positive direction in what you do. Though the Line-up has changed a few times, the the goodtimes vibe stays the same with Mind Driver. Their infectious tunes have only gotten more well recieved since I first got into them, and I'm sure their ride is far from over. The Guys are from around Cali.Heath was born in Oakland Ca, Now he lives in Newport Beach, Carlos was born in, Norwalk, I think, Mikey was born in Orange county Somewhere and Jimmy is the mystery kid, presumably from an outerspace planet called "Zorkon"( My presumptions carry absolutely no merrit, they are merely the opnion of a very smart girl). With the awsome voice of Heath on the mic, backed up by Carlos on the Bass, Jimmy on the guitar, and Mikey on the drums, they really come together and rule the stage. They are a really good band live and no show ever feels the same, so see them if you can, but until you do that, you definatly need to get their CD, Ten Percent of Nothing.....For some pictures of Mind Driver, check out my Mind Driver picture page. Mind Driver Picture Page 1 Also check out my slam book and poll at the end of this page.


The Mind Driver CD is now avaliable at:,, local OC Bionic Record Stores (If they are out, tell them to order moer, DAMMIT), and Traffic BoardShop .................................................. You can get samples of Mind Driver songs on their website or you can get the samples if you have Napster, aimster or Kazzaa(But don't just steal their music, if you download it, buy it also, and support the guys......... HEY, I KNOW THIS IS LAME, BUT MY FRIEND SHOWED ME THIS GAME AND SO I PUT IT UP HERE...IT'S PRETTY FUN, IF YOU'RE BORED!! [an error occurred while processing this directive] View My SlamBook! | Sign My SlamBook!