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Season XXII
Concert Schedule.
Spring 2003

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Spring 2003:


March 15 & 16 @ Bedford Presbyterian Church

Mass in B-minor
Kyrie Kyrie eleison Christe eleison Kyrie eleison
Gloria Gloria in excelsis Et in terra pax Laudamus te
Gratias agimus tibi Domine Deus Qui tollis peccata mundi
Qui sedes ad dextram Patris Quoniam tu solus sanctus Cum Sancto Spiritu
Symbolum Nicenum Credo in unum Deum Patrem omnipotentem Et in unum Dominum
Et incarnatus est Crucifixus Et resurrexit
Et in Spiritum sanctum Dominum Confiteor Et expecto
Sanctus Sanctus Pleni sunt cœli
Osanna, et cetera Osanna in excelsis Benedictus Osanna in excelsis
Agnus Dei Dona nobis pacem

JS Bach
JS Bach thumbnail

"Long and frequent rehearsals have brought this performance about. After ... the wage-earning day, these ... Master Singers have converged on time at a rehearsal spot for two hours or more ... once, twice, or even three times a week for almost a year. [Those] Master Singers ... joined the ranks of those who have sung the B Minor Mass. -- Marjorie Otis Gifford from Spring 1988 concert progam notes.

blue lilies

Fifteen years later, a new cadre of 63 singers have endured the year long eftort to learn this masterpiece with the patient help of those few of the 73 original stalwarts who had sung this piece as Master Singers before as listed below.

Donna Curran
Antoinette Migliore
Dawn Sangrey
Frieda Halpern
Marga Spiller
Edwin Saunders Richard Hadsell
Robert I. Stern






Rosa Lamoreaux Beverly Benso Patrick Romano Kevin Deas

Concert Master:

Mela Tenenbaum

Rehearsal Accompanist:

David Graf

Now Playing:
Dona nobis pacem from B Minor Mass by Johann Sebastian Bach
as performed in memory of the victims of 9/11
as an encore to the Nov. 2001 Master Singers concert