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Concert Review

October 29, 1999 aprox. 8:15 pm Delta Center Salt Lake City Utah

I bought my ticket on august 14,1999 at 7:20am, we woke up early in hopes of close seats, I live in Wyoming so this was my only chance to see BSB. My sister and I are huge BSB fans adn we had dreamed of this day for so long, we were only able to get top section seats becuase in a matter of minutes the enitire bottom section and more than half of the top were sold out, at first i was dissapointed becuase I had always wished to be up close enough for them to see me (brian espeacailly)but then I was really glad to have those nose bleed seats when I heard kids saying how they wanted to go but couldnt get seats I realized how fortunate I was. I counted down the days to the concert, and on my last week I was counting hours! I couldnt concentrate on anyhting the day of the concert I was so excited. When we arrived we went to our hotel and then to the hotel where the Backstreet Boys were staying! We were an hour late, they had left but I saw the tour bus and took a picture! As we were walking to the Delta Center the atmosphere was incredible! Tons of BSB fans lined up already and I had already had so much fun! As the people in front of us were walking in my little sister started crying and saying we are actually going to see them! then reality set in and I had tears in my eyes too! It was funny cause I always saw girls crying over them and I thought I would never cry over something like that so I guess that is when I realized how much BSB really meant to me! So we went in and bought some merchandise and went to our seats we were so high up but when I looked to the stage I was overwhelmed I was going to see them I mean actually see them and be able to tell who was who! that was enough for me! EYC came out they werent too bad, when the lights turned of when BSB came on I screamed louder than I ever have before I screamed things to the guys and just screamed! I thought the stage looked awesome the dancers were great and the band couldnt have been better! Some people dont sound that good live but when I heard the first few words of LARGER THAN LIFE I knew BSB would sound even better, and I was right. They had this incredible energy and they added little things to the songs that made them more speacial! I think they must have gone to alot of trouble to make it so everyone could see I was so grateful that they paid attention to the people who were up high! I was able to see really well for where my seats were and even though Brian may not have seen me wave or hear me scream I pretended everytime he waved at our section it was going staight to me! I could sit here and name off every cute thing we did but I would need and entire web page of my own because there are too many! All I can say is the BACKSTREET BOYS are incredible and with each day I think they only get better than the last and I never see and end to them! I love the music and in a weird way I need it in my life it is a part of me and when people say that my BSB craze is just a "phase" all I have to say to that is it has been the best "phase" of my life and it is not over yet! I LOVE YOU BSB!



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