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Nick Quotes

Please note that some quotes might be repeated twice in here as a result of me not checking them before posting. If you would like to add some quotes please go to 'Submit Quotes' and do it there please!!

  • "The web, isn't it great?!"
  • "I have a prowler, that I don't drive."
  • "It's just not fair!"
  • "It'll look phat."
  • "A fan in Japan took me on for Nintendo and made me look like a beginner!"
  • "I wouldn't pose nude for Playgirl or shave my head."
  • "I would never steal Brian's girlfriend!"
  • "The first autograph I signed was when I was eight."
  • "Seven and a half." - rating himself overall out of ten.
  • "When we sing live we have the battery packs for our headset microphones fastened to our backs. Mine fell off when I was performing PARTY recently and the others had to sing it for me. When we came off stage I lost it and started throwing things at people on our tour bus!"
  • "None of us do drugs. The only way to get high for us is to be on stage, performing for the fans. We like that."
  • "I hate flying 'cuz I don't trust technical machines."
  • "Oh Kev, can I tell them about that time in the truck - it was so damn cool!"
  • "We live on pizza!"
  • "Sometimes good looks come in handy."
  • "Music is our love."
  • "What a show!"
  • "Hey, I heard that!"
  • "Yo Brian, stop lying!"
  • "Yeah right."
  • "No, no, no, don't tell him!"
  • "We forbid that"
  • "Nope, nope, nope."
  • "Love has no age."
  • "It feels soooo wonderful!"
  • "You think you know what it is? Okay then. What is it?"
  • "It's all good."
  • "Oh, yeah. Her."
  • "If I have to eat McDonald's one more day on this trip, I'm gonna scream!"
  • "Flirting is always good fun."
  • "I wouldn't say no."
  • "The taste is different."
  • "Okay my bad."
  • "Yeah, we're cool."
  • "Shhh!"
  • "It's about two hours sittin' in a chair straight, not movin' and it's really starting to affect me now"
  • "I'll never hang my feet off the end of the bed-I'm afraid little gremlins will bite my toes! Really!"
  • "Howie's just a little stressed out here"
  • "Dude! That's gotta suck!!"
  • "Did I do okay Frick?"
  • "I wanna be crazy forever, even when i am 80"
  • "I used to stand on a tree stump in our back garden and sing, pretending the flowers were my audience. One day my mom caught me and enrolled me in singing lessons straight away."
  • "My hand dumbass."
  • "Sing it Howie"
  • "Whadda ya know, bro?"
  • "Backstreet Boys is the most important thing in my life. My life revolves around the group. We are very close - simply because we seem to spend so much time together."
  • "We like to have a close relationship with our fans. I could go out with one of them but I don't think it could develop any further. "
  • "I'm addicted to Nintendo! I play sports games and adventure games and role-playing like Final Fantasy 3. I can't always do what I want to do, like play basketball, because I can't go outside the hotel. So when I play Nintendo, I enter a different world and relax. "
  • " I'm pretty much okay with myself. I think the only thing is to just have fun! "
  • "Brian is sooo cool. I can't think of one bad thing about him, he's so much fun to be around. I think in a way, I've always looked up to him. "
  • "I'm a camera hogger "
  • "I have to admit that I do look at the breasts too. "
  • "If life gives you a lemon, ask for an orange "
  • "If there's a McDonald's nearby, watch out! "
  • "Tell everyone out there to come and mob us "
  • "We live on pizza!"
  • "You weren't supposed to know that! "
  • "It's a Backstreet thang!"
  • "I hate planes. I just hate 'em"
  • "My family is everything to me. "
  • "My favorite color is green..but not this light, darker shades of green. "
  • "I love the ocean. "
  • "Hear those ambulances? They're coming here soon to take these guys away once we beat them!"
  • "Live life to the fullest for the future is scarce"
  • "I can't say it, I'm on camera"
  • "We give all that we have to our fans."
  • "Now that's ... that's scary looking right there!"
  • "You have realised that I am in earshot haven't you?"
  • "The caring's the most important thing when a girl gives you her heart." ~Nikki~
  • "I'm sorry Brian and Howie won't let me" ~Sara
  • "Briefs"(when asked on MuchMusic if he wore boxers or briefs) ~Sara
  • "I tried to sniff coke ice cubes stuck up my nose." ~Tasha


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