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Brian Quotes

Please note that some quotes might be repeated twice in here as a result of me not checking them before posting. If you would like to add some quotes please go to 'Submit Quotes' and do it there please!!

  • "Sergeant Cooper, met me in the restroom."
  • "Did I ever technically call you a loser?"
  • "I think you're really funky dancers."
  • "I don't want a Backstreet Boys cereal."
  • "Jet lag depresses me."
  • "I try to be as sane as possible!"
  • "I have no idea what he is talking about but I'm assuming it's about the video shoot!"
  • "I snore. Just ask the others!"
  • "I'm a manly man."
  • "If I had a girl I'd love to see her in my clothes. It's real romantic."
  • "I told you I'm gonna have a good show!"
  • "Hi, I'm B-Rok of the Backstreet boys, Jim Carrey wannabe!"
  • "It's the Bone-cam."
  • "That's me!!"
  • "We're not perfect."
  • "Don't forget about the Backstreet Boys!"
  • "We'd done the show 50 million times. I know it like the back of my hand but right before the curtain dropped I was thinking, this is New York City!"
  • "I'll be rockin' your house!"
  • "I like being the werewolf."
  • "AJ is to blame for this."
  • "Jam on the Gap has got it!"
  • "Might I show you the Backstreet Boys drawers?"
  • "I guess. . ."
  • "I feel like a corncob right now."
  • "I was bouncing around from hair, to makeup, to"
  • "He's a lunatic. He's...just AJ."
  • "This is called the retro-cowboys-R-us-AJ-look-a-like"
  • "That's the man right there! No! See that man right there, Andre? He's the one that put me in this cornall lookin' outfit!"
  • "Ohmigosh! Howard! Censor!!"
  • "I'm very soft you know"
  • "Let's go interrupt shall we."
  • "No, my name is not Gary Barlow"
  • "If you were a tear in my eye, I would never cry for fear of loosing you."
  • "If you love someone, put their initials in a circle, not a heart, because a heart can be broken but a circle goes on forever."
  • "Basketball is the closes thing I think we get to normal"
  • "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you'll land among the stars."
  • "No man is worth your tears and the one that is won't make you cry."
  • "If we've been to see a scary movie or something and we're sharing a room, and the lights are off when we walk in, Nick will go (whispering) 'It's dark in here, isn't it?' And he's not being funny - he means it!"
  • "I'm his big brother and I'm gonna knock him out!"
  • "Of course I like to look at pretty girls in the street. What hot blooded boy doesn't. "
  • "I'm normal."
  • "If you can't break down and laugh, that bothers me."
  • "Nick is like the kid brother I never had."
  • "When we picked the name Backstreet Boys we intended it to last orever. When we get older, when we grow up, we're gonna keep it, like The Beach Boys did, ya know? If we felt it was necessary we could drop the Boys and call ourselves Backstreet."
  • "My butt hurts."
  • "Uno, dos, tres, that's all the spanish I know."
  • "Howie's got meet and greet family members in every city. "
  • "No, it's not against the rules."
  • "Nice threads man."
  • "No...the Backstreet Boys."
  • "I have two scars where I had my appendix taken out, but only the people who know me really well get to see them 'cause they're at the bottom of my tummy! I've also got a scar on my head where I head-butted a table when I was 12."
  • "That's wonderful.
  • "Me and him are the best ones."
  • "Hi my name is Brian but you can call me B-Rok cause I'll be rockin your house!"
  • "Who?, the Backstreet what?"
  • "Looks like a field goal to me Bob!"
  • "He's an awesome singer, just as Nick is"
  • "Mom, I'll always be your baby duck"
  • "Aw man, blew it!"
  • "She (my mom) bawled like a baby when she heard it (The Perfect Fan)."
  • "BEEMER!"
  • "We've had so much success on the first album, it set us apart from everyone else. We're thankful we came first, but everybody that came behind us ... we did a lot of opening doors (for them)."
  • "I think we'll continue that with this album."
  • "He's my little Frack."


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