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Video Review

I was waiting for what seemed FOREVER to see the video 'Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely.' I sat in front of my TV for 12 hours waiting for it to come on. When it came on at about 10:50 P.M. I got as close to my television as I could. I pressed record to tape the video to add to my collection. I didn't know what to expect for this video at all.

When Brian's scene came on and when I seen him in the bed with the oxygen tank on I was ready to cry. Kevin watching home movies that had his father in it were tear worthy. AJ's scene showed the loss of a girlfriend that he loved. When he shedded that one tear it got to me big time. I didn't really understand Nick's scene that well. It showed him walking down the street looking lonely and he pulled a girl out of the street before the bus hit her, saving her life. Howie's showed him in a coffee shop (something like that). They showed a girl reaching out for him but then disappearing, which was his sister.

A lot of people who see this video that are not big BSB fans aren't going to understand all the emotions and feelings that are put into it. Or what each scene actually means to them or what it means. Not a lot of people are going to understand why the bus said Denniz St. on it. Denniz was a producer that they lost in 98. All the scenes have something to do with what actually has happened to them.

I think that this was the best video that they've had so far. It was truly touching and a well put together video. The lyrics to this song are one of a kind and many people can relate to them. The song and video are special and hold a meaning to the Boys. Backstreet Boys - Keep up the amazing job you do. No one else can compare to you.

I think I'll be watching this video over and over and over again b/c of it's greatness, I hope all of you will too. 


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