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Dudleytown Timeline

Note: Those marked with an (*) are curse related. Also note that this information is not mine.

(*) 18 Aug 1510. Edmund Dudley is beheaded by Henry VIII

24 June 1532. Robert Dudley, the Earl of Leicester, born.

1573 Robert Dudley, son of the Earl of Leicester, born.

4 September 1588. Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, dies of old age in England.

11 September 1608. William Dudley is born in Sheen, Surrey, England.

1639. William Dudley arrives in America aboard the ship St. John, establishes Guilford, Connecticut.

September 1649 Robert Dudley, SON of the Earl of Leicester, dies of old age in Florence, Italy.

31 July 1653. Governor Thomas Dudley dies in Roxbury Massachusetts of old age.

14 September 1674. Joseph Dudley is born in Saybrook Connecticut.

1706. Gideon Dudley is born in Saybrook.

11 May 1710. Abiel Dudley is baptized in Saybrook

7 April 1725. Barzillai Dudley is baptized in Saybrook.

1739 Thomas Griffis buys land at the Cornwall Land Auction.

24 Jun 1747. Gideon Dudley buys land in Cornwall.

7 July 1748. Abiel Dudley buys land in Cornwall. Gideon Dudley arrives in Cornwall.

5 Dec 1748. Abiel sells his land to his brother Barzillai.

31 December 1748. Barzillai Dudley buys more land in Cornwall.

2 Jan 1749. Gideon Dudley, son of Gideon, born in Cornwall.

6 March 1750. Barzillai Dudley marries Sarah Carter in Cornwall.

16 May 1750. Sibe Dudley, daughter of Barzillai, is born in Cornwall.

1 February 1752. Sarah Dudley, daughter of Barzillai, is born in Cornwall.

15 February 1752. Elizabeth Dudley, daughter of Gideon, is born in Cornwall.

23 October 1753. Abiel Dudley buys more land in Cornwall, arrives sometime before 1754.


14 November 1755. Joseph Dudley, son of Gideon, is born in Cornwall.

1757. Barzillai Dudley is in Capt. Lyman's company in the French/Indian War for 14 days.

1758. Cornwall Tax Records reflect Barzillai Dudley for the last time. He leaves shortly thereafter.

(*)Spring 1763. The Carters move to upstate New York, The Forks of the Delaware, and are massacred. Two
daughters and a son are taken, the daughters later to be ransomed.

21 Jun 1763. Martin Dudley of Springfield, Massachusetts, marries Anna Dudley, daughter of Gideon Dudley, in


21 May 1765. Elisabeth Dudley, wife of Gideon, dies in Cornwall.

15 Oct 1766. Gideon Dudley, son of Gideon, dies in Cornwall.

20 November 1766. Joseph Dudley, son of Gideon, dies in Cornwall.

16 December 1771. Abiel Dudley's property sold, becomes charge of the town.

1773. Cornwall Tax Records reflects Gideon Dudley and family for the last time. He leaves shortly thereafter.

1774. Plague visits Cornwall and Dudleytown.

(*)1792. Gershon Hollister dies by falling during a barn raising at William Tanner's house.

(*)November 1799. Abiel Dudley dies of old age.

(*)April 1804. Sarah Faye Swift dies by lightning strike.

(*)1872. Mary Cheney Greeley commits sucide.

1900. Dr. William Cogswell Clark buys land in Cornwall.

(*)1901. John Patrick Brophy's house burns, he leaves town.

(*)Between 1915-1923. Harriet Clark is found insane at her home. She commits sucide (in New York), Dr. Clark
marries Carita.

24 Dec 1924. The Dark Entry Forest Association (the DEF) is formed in Cornwall, buys 850 acres of land, including
Dudleytown Hill.

February 1926. The DEF meets for the first time with 41 members. Dr. Clark and his wife are included.

1928/29. Dr William Cogswell Clark is on the Board of Directors of the DEF.

1931. An advertising pamphlet of the DEF, and its resort, The Bald Mountain Farm, lists Dr. Clark, his wife, and
three children as members.

1938. They found a Way is published, the first book to speak of a curse in Dudleytown. Another book follows.

1943. Dr. Clark dies of a heart attack in Cornwall Bridge.

1970's. All through this decade, numerous magazine and newspaper articles speak of "haunted Dudleytown."

1988. The Warren's book, Ghost Hunters is published.

1990. Gary P. Dudley hears of the "Legend of Dudleytown" for the first time.

1993. Dan Ackroyd, actor, tells "Playboy" that Dudleytown "Massachusetts" is the "scariest place on earth."