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Portal to the Seven Gates of Hell

News and Updates

 I have decided to add a news and updates section to inform you of updates to the site as they occur. I haven't done much with the site for the past year as my schedule hasn't allowed for it. I will be putting more time into the site now, and I hope to have it completely redone by early next year. Some additions will be added soon and some won't be posted until the new site launch. Some of the new features will be:

A new layout with better navigation.

All content updated with lots of new information.

Reviews of classic and new albums (for those who haven't had enough of my opinion already).

MP3 Samples.

For the time being I will be working on updating the general content of the site. Check back over the next few days for the first major changes to the site. Thanks to all who have sent suggestions and compliments over the past few months. I try to reply to as many as I can, so I apologize in advance for any delay in my response. And thanks to the few little kiddies that sent hate mail. The more angry you get, the more you prove me right.

The Gates of Doom...

What Metal IS NOT!

This section is necessary because so many bands over the years have been incorrectly labeled as Metal. Therefore, there is some serious confusion out there as to what Metal is and is not. Search no further, the confusion ends here. Not only will the bands be properly sorted, but certain stereotypes that Metal gets unfairly tagged with will also be put in their place.

In the beginning.......

...there was...not much. This section covers the few Metal bands that existed in the beginning, as well as the bands that although not Metal themselves were influential to Metal's development.
The 80's

The most glorious decade for Metal! A time when Metal defined itself and branched out into numerous sub genres.

More 80's

A place to give tribute to any TRUE Metal band from the 80's.

90s to present day

While the mainstream continues to decay in a world of mindless sheep, Metal is as strong as ever in the underground. This section covers the transition from the previous decade to the new millennium.

Gateways to other sites that support the cause.

About the Author
If you choose, you can read more about the creator of this shrine to Metal.

For those seeking intelligent correspondence only, please.