san quentin

1. Arms folded -Real Audio Download 2:31
2. Air Moves-Real Audio Download   5:06
3. Cold Air Car-Real Audio Download    2:58
4. Count Out Loud   - Real Audio Download  3:04 (This is worth a click, trust me)

for the benefit of Dave.
5. Shudder To Think Ride The Sexy horse MP3 3:49
6. 10 lengths Hoe Down Demo MP3 2:20

Recorded by Paul Tipler / Mark Schofield at Blackwing studios 24/9/00
Call Tom

What's it like? well it's like At the drive in or Seam and it's a very good record. Want it?
then email   I'll be about 5 pounds.

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Who's in it well it's
Tom Davis (of Bristol's Immense, who are on Fat Cat records) - SG  guitar (wrote Air-Moves) & all vocals
Dave French -Bass and other vocals
Patrick O'Brien -Rickenbacker guitar (Wrote the rest)
Mark SChofield - Drums

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