Harp On!
Harmonica Tablature Page


Where Do I Find Harmonica Tab For (insert song title here)?

  1. Find & download the MIDI file for the song you want:
    http://www.google.com/ including the word MIDI in your search along with the title.
  2. Download and install HARPING! PC program:
  3. Start up HARPING!, load the MIDI file, pick the track you want to play, pick the harmonica to play it on and voila... Harmonica tab.
  4. ALTERNATIVELY Melody Assistant can import and export MIDI files, and in addition to sheet music includes a flexible harmonica tablature feature too. So you can read the tablature and score side by side. You can rewrite the music or even write your own songs with accompaniment.

Jack Mearl has published a large amount of harmonica tablature on the internet, mostly hymns and Americana songs.

Jon Gindick has some good beginner harmonica tablature on his site.

SuperTAB harp tab fonts by Pat Missin.

Chromatic Harmonica Reference article on harp tab by G.

Diatonic Harmonica Reference article on harp tab by MyQuill.

Band in the Box doesn't offer harmonica tablature - however it is a very powerful practice tool for musicians. It can import and export songs in MIDI. There are literally thousands of popular songs on the internet for Band in a Box. You can make it change key, change tempo, play a segment of a song over and over for you to practice on, edit the progression, change the style its played in, add unique solos in the style of many great musicians, add harmony, write your own songs and progressions, record yourself, write CDs, make your own play alongs, ear training, and many many other useful things. You simply need a computer with a sound card to use it. Well worth the price.


Any comments or suggestions can be emailed to

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