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Faith No More News

Faith No More Related News

Because Faith No More split up, darn it, there will obviously be no news on them. But any news I receive via e-mail (or whatever) about the ex-FNM members will be posted here.

Added 27-June-2001
I updated the site a little, changed a few thing, blah blah.

Fantomas are touring Australia! Perth tour information is:
August 21st at the Globe. Ticket information unsure.

For more info regarding this go to
News provided by Ipecac records

Added 21-February-2001
I haven't updated in a while but I'm back and with some more pointless news. As far as any rumours for a Faith No More tribute album is concerned, Mike Patton would rather "let sleeping dogs lie", and I couldn't agree more. However it would be amusing to see what these bands have come up with, shit bands like Papa Roach and Korn. Fuck you all.
News provided by Ipecac Records

Added 16-September-2000
The current word on the Fantomas Perth concert from Ipecac Records:
A question mark just means nothing is confirmed. The locations and venues are planned, but not finalized.
We hope the Perth show happens too. We are trying to find a venue that wants the band.
News provided by Ipecac Records

Added 12-September-2000

Huge huge huge news for Australian fans! Fantomas is going to tour Australia! The current tour dates are as follows:
16-Nov-2000 Adelaide at Cloisters
17-Nov-2000 Melbourne at The Palace
18-Nov-2000 Sydney at Metro
19-Nov-2000 Brisbane at Arena
21-Nov-2000 Perth (?) at (?)

No further confirmed dates or venues are available but I shall be contacting Ipecac Records in regards to the validity of these tour dates
News provided by Ipecac Records

Look for Faith No More on VH-1. Beginning November 13th, VH-1 will countdown the "100 Greatest Artists of Hard Rock" as chosen by a panel of music journalists, critics and musicians. The show will air for an hour each night for 5 consecutive nights.
News provided by Linda Eckert (VH-1 Production "100 Greatest Artists of Hard Rock")

Added 24-April-2000
Former FNM guitarist Jim Martin has joined the band Fang. The band are soon to release a split CD with several other bands as well as a full length CD. check out for full information.
News provided by Jonathan Moore

Mike Bordin has (hopefully briefly) joined the new wave glam rock kings, Korn, after their drummer David ended up with an injured wrist. Mike will complete Korn's "Sick and Twisted" tour with Korn.
News provided by

Roddy Bottum's band Imperial Teen are currently writing new material. For more information visit their official site. (Click on their name).
News provided by

Mike Patton's weirdo band Mr Bungle toured in Australia recently but I didn't have the money to go see them. A friend of mine nicely quipped: "All it's going to be is a bunch of people going to see if they'll maybe play a FNM song which they won't." Hey, there is nothing wrong with Mr Bungle. That Quote/Unquote song is good, and I love the Secret Song off Disco Volante. I've yet to hear much of California.
News provided by my stupid head