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This is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long - - -

Searching GOD'S WORD

In Psalm 100, verse 2, reads as follows:

"Worship the LORD with gladness, come before Him with joyful songs".

That's what my pages are all about: Praising and Honouring ALMIGHTY GOD, through music and song.

When I started playing the bagpipes I found a site that encouraged Christian pipers and drummers. The organization is known as: the International Christian Fellowship of Pipers and Drummers. To find it type ICFPD into your favourite browser. Ron Crawford is in charge of this site.

Since then, I started playing the "Celtic Whistle". Originally, this humble little instrument was known as the "pennywhistle".

If you are interested in finding out more about this instrument go to - This site is operated by Dr. Dale Wisely.

One day while visiting C&F I read a letter from a lady in the Southern US who wanted hymn tunes. Although, I am a, Canadian, novice with the whistle I e-mailed her and have sent her some hymn tunes that I enjoy playing on my low G, Susato whistle. This lady and myself are interested in finding other pennywhistlers who enjoy whistling and playing hymns or sacred songs - making a joyful noise unto the Lord.

If you are interested you can reach me at:

Christian Pipers and Drummers Site

IFCPD Editor is Ron Crawford

My Favourite Whistle Site

Dale Wisely's whistle site

The Hunger Site

Where you can make cost free food donations