September 15, 1993

Hey Kayles!

What’s up? Well, we’re over in Germany. We just started recording our album. The songs sound really cool. I can’t wait for you to hear them. How are things going back in Florida? My mom just got out here a couple of days ago. It’s cool that she’s here. I never thought about how much I’d really miss my family. And you. Brian has become one of my best friends over here. He’s really cool. We play basketball together a lot. He’s really good. He doesn’t really seem to mind that I’m so much younger than him. I hang out with AJ a lot, too. I guess because we’re the closest in age. I don’t really hang out with Kevin and Howie as much as I do with AJ and Brian. I wish you could come out here and visit. You’d love it in Europe! Lots of shopping for you!

I miss you Kayles. I get really homesick sometimes. Especially when no one in my family is over here. I feel so young sometimes, compared to the other guys. They all seem so much older than me. I wish you were here. How’s high school going? Do you like being a freshman? I don’t know when I’m going to go back to school. I have a tutor right now. Brian, AJ, and I all do. We rehearse/record in the morning and then the three of us have school for a few hours in the afternoon and then we either rehearse more or start on some promotional work for when our album is released. I’m not sure when that’s going to be but you better buy one when it comes out! I’ll let you know. Anyway, I gotta go because Brian is calling me to play some b-ball. I’ll talk to you later. Write me back!

I miss you,


“Nick!” Jane called as she heard Nick walk into the hotel room. “There’s mail for you.” She pointed to the dresser and Nick quickly ran over and picked up the envelope. He sat on the bed as he tore into the letter.

October 1, 1993

Dear Nick,

Hey! How are you? I’m glad to hear that you’re having a good time over there in Europe. I miss you too! School is okay. Did I tell you? I made varsity soccer! As a freshman, nonetheless. Ashley and I both did. It’s cool because I’ve gotten to meet a lot of older people. Neither of us get a lot of playing time but that’s expected since we’re the two youngest on the team. I met a guy a couple of weeks ago. His name is Brendan. He’s really cool. He’s a junior. We’ve gone out a couple of times. I’m really starting to like him. He asked me to the Homecoming Dance which is in a couple of weeks. Brooke also made varsity cheerleading and has also started dating a junior football player. His name is Adam and he’s one of Brendan’s good friends. The four of us hang out a lot.

Anyway, I wish you were here. I really miss talking to you. Especially late at night. I’m home by myself a lot lately. My mom has a new boyfriend and she spends a lot of her time with him. She tries to get us together a lot. She really wants me to like him and for us to get along but I’m kind of having a hard time with it. It’s not that I don’t like him. It’s just that he’s not my father and I think he’s trying too hard to be.

I went to the mall with BJ and Leslie the other day. They both miss you like crazy. I know that they’re going over there with the rest of your family for Thanksgiving though. I wish I could come but I don’t really think that my mom would go for the idea. You are going to be home for Christmas, aren’t you? I hope so. Anyway, I should get going. I’ve got a game tomorrow and I’m really worn out from practice this afternoon. Call me if you can and tell the rest of the guys and your mom that I said hi.

I miss you lots,


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