Kayleigh stared up at the house. It looked exactly the same as she had remembered it. But then again, how much can the outside of a house change in three years? The shrubs out front had grown. The cars in the driveway had changed, but otherwise, it looked the same.

"You ready?" Nick asked, getting out of the car. He opened the back door of the Jeep and went to get Elizabeth out. "Elizabeth? Wake up, honey. We're home."

"Daddy?" Elizabeth mumbled, rubbing her eyes. "Where are we?"

"We're at your new home, baby," Nick told her. "Come on. There are some people inside that I need you to meet." He glanced inside the car and noticed that Kayleigh hadn't moved. "You coming?"

Kayleigh tore her eyes away from the house and looked at him. "Yeah. I'm coming." She nervously climbed out of the car and followed Nick up the front steps of the house.

"Someone's here," Carolyn commented, hearing a key in the lock. Slowly the door opened, revealing Nick and a little blond-haired girl. A collective gasp was heard as everyone saw who was slowly walking in the door behind Nick.

"Kayleigh?" Brooke whispered, shocked. Kayleigh, clearly over-whelmed at the situation, stared at everyone for a minute before her eyes landed on her mother and she burst into tears. Carolyn, amidst tears, ran over and threw her arms around her daughter.

"I'm sorry, mommy," Kayleigh mumbled. "I'm so sorry. I know you're disappointed in me. I'm sorry."

"Shh," Carolyn soothed. "You're home now, baby. That's what's important." Everyone's eyes watered at the sight of the tearful reunion between mother and daughter.

"And who is this beautiful little girl?" Bob asked.

"Everyone," Nick began. "This is Elizabeth. Elizabeth, this is everyone."

"Hi," Elizabeth greeted, shyly, clinging to her father.

"She's beautiful, Kayleigh," Jane commented. Kayleigh pulled away from her mother and looked around the room. Everyone still looked so shocked to see her. But most of them were now doting over her daughter. Brian also noticed this and saw this moment as a chance to talk to her alone.

"Hey Kay," he said, quietly, pulling her away from the crowd. "I just want you to know that I didn't tell him. I kept my promise to you."

"I know, Brian," she smiled. "Nicole called him. But I'm glad. It's time that I came home." Brian nodded and began walking away, before Kayleigh stopped him. "And Brian? Don't worry about Nick. I talked to him for you. He'll come around." He smiled thankfully at her before going back to the crowd.

Kayleigh watched as everyone fussed over Elizabeth, clearly overwhelming the little girl. But she smiled anyway. She was going to be so loved. Just knowing that made Kayleigh feel more guilty than ever that she had her daughter away from everyone for so long. Before anyone could notice, she slipped out the sliding glass door and on to the deck. Leaning up against the railing, she stared out at the water and wondered what her life would've been like if she had never left.

"Hey," she heard a soft voice from behind her. She turned around and saw Brooke approaching her.

"Hi," Kayleigh replied nervously. She had clearly ditched her best friend three years ago and would understand perfectly if Brooke never wanted to speak to her again. "You must hate me."

"Upset?" Brooke asked. "Yeah. But hate? No. Kay, you're my best friend. And I know how scared you were. Believe me, I don't hate you." She stood next to Kayleigh and leaned up against the railing. "How does it feel seeing everyone again?"

"Honestly?" Kayleigh questioned. Brooke nodded. "It's a little overwhelming. But I couldn't hide anymore. It's not fair to anyone." Kayleigh happened to glance down at the railing and noticed the sparkling diamond ring on Brooke's finger. "Oh my god! Are you engaged?"

Brooke grinned. "Yup! We're getting married in September."

"Congratulations!" Kayleigh exclaimed, reaching over to hug Brooke. "That's so exciting!"

"Thanks," Brooke gushed. "I'm so happy you're back. Now you can be my maid of honor like we had always planned."

"Yeah," Kayleigh agreed. "God, I can't believe how much I've missed. Kevin and Kristin's wedding. Brian and Leigh's. I mean, what else have I missed?"

"Um," Brooke began. "Do you know that your mom is remarried?"

Kayeligh's eyes widened. "What? To who?" In the midst of all of the excitement surrounding her return, Kayleigh had failed to notice the unfamiliar gentleman standing in the corner of Nick's living room. She didn't even think about it until Brooke had said something. She followed Brooke's gaze and her eyes landed on her mom's new husband.

"That's Rick," Brooke explained. "They got married last year. They met not too long after you ran away." 'After you ran away…' Those words ran through Kayleigh's head over and over again. What the hell had she been thinking? She had missed so much, just because she was too much of a wimp to stick around and face her fears. If she had stayed, chances are she would have had those three years with the man that she loved. If Nick was being serious and he was in love with her, than what good did running away do?

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