Kayleigh stared out of the window as she and her mom cruised down the streets of the upscale neighborhood in Ruskin, Florida. Early October in Florida was nothing like it was in Connecticut. The few trees that weren’t palm trees still had lush green leaves on them. No red. No yellow. No leaf piles to play in. She sighed. Another detail she would have to get used to. She noticed the kids that were playing outside in the late afternoon sun, wearing shorts and tee shirts. Some in bathing suits playing in sprinklers. This wasn’t Indian Summer. This was a typical October afternoon in sunny Florida. Average temperature: 85 degrees.

Carolyn turned into the driveway that led up to a fairly large house, right on the beach. The for-sale sign had a big ‘SOLD’ plastered across it. She turned to Kayleigh. “So, Kay, what do you think?”

Kayleigh shrugged. “It’s nice, I guess.”

Carolyn sighed. “Kayleigh, I know it’s hard. But I’m really trying here.”

They both climbed out of the car and Kayleigh looked around the neighborhood. She noticed a few kids playing outside the house next door. Four of them, actually. Two boys and two younger girls. The boys looked to be about her age. The girls, maybe a few years younger. She heard the door finally open and tore her gaze away from the kids to follow her mother inside.

The movers had already been there. They had come a few days before while Kayleigh had been staying at Skye’s. Carolyn had already been here for a week, meeting her daughter at the airport earlier this afternoon.

Carolyn gave Kayleigh the grand tour of the house. Kayleigh hated to admit it, but she loved it. It was a lot bigger and nicer than their house back in Connecticut. The last room that they stopped in was Kayleigh’s bedroom. She looked around in awe. It was huge. Decorated in pale yellow and pale blue, with a small porch in the back and a big window that looked over at the house next door.

“So what do you think?” Carolyn asked.

Kayleigh smiled. “It’s great, mom. I love it.”

Carolyn let out a long sigh of relief as Kayleigh hugged her. “There’s that smile I love so much! Now come on! I want to show you the best part!” Kayleigh followed her downstairs and out back. There was a huge pool and beyond that, there were steps down onto the beach. She had to admit, she never expected all of this. This was absolutely beautiful. She glanced next door and noticed that three of the four kids form earlier had now moved into the pool. Carolyn noticed what she was looking at. “Those are the Carters. I met them the other day. They have five kids. The oldest, Nick, I think, is only a little younger than you. I’ll have to take you over there later to introduce you.” Kayleigh nodded and then went inside so she could begin to unpack her room.

A little while later, Kayleigh emerged from her room, not wanting to deal with the mess she had created. She walked down the stairs and saw her mom arranging things in the kitchen. “Mom, do you know where my soccer ball is? I want to kick around for a little bit before it gets too dark out.”

“Sure, honey. It’s in the garage.”

Kayleigh nodded and walked into the garage. She spotted her ball sitting on the work bench and grabbed it. Dragging her net, she went over to the side of the house that faced the Carters and began practicing. She was so focused that she didn’t see or hear the blond-headed boy walk over to their yard. Just as she went to kick the ball, he cleared his throat and made her miss her aim at the net. Kayleigh watched in horror as her ball went sailing right into the nose of the boy who had startled her. He dropped to his knees screaming in pain while Kayleigh stood frozen in one spot. The doors to both their houses burst open and both of their mothers came running out.

Carolyn rushed over to the two kids. “Kayleigh, honey, what happened?”

Kayleigh watched as, what appeared to be the boy’s mother, ran over to him. “Nicky? What happened?”

Kayleigh’s eyes widened as she saw all of the blood dripping form his face. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry! I didn’t see him. I didn’t mean to..”

Nick’s mother cut her off. “It was just an accident, honey. I’m sure you didn’t mean to.”

Carolyn rubbed her daughter’s shoulders, as Kayleigh looked like she was about to cry. “Jane, I’m so sorry. She’s oblivious to the rest of the world when she’s practicing.”

Jane smiled, comfortingly, as Kayleigh shot her mother a glare. “Oh, no. There’s no need to apologize. It was just an accident. But I do think that I’m going to have to get him to a hospital. I think that his nose might be broken. Would you mind keeping an eye on the rest of my crew? Bob’s out of town.”

Carolyn smiled. “Sure. No problem. Come on Kay.” Carolyn grabbed her daughter’s hand and followed Jane and Nick next door and inside the house.

Jane whistled loudly. “Kids?! Get down here!” A second later, four young children, 3 boys and 1 boy, came bounding down the stairs. The girl, who looked like she was the oldest of the four, though a couple of years younger than Nick and Kayleigh, herself, gasped when she saw her brother. “Ew! Nick! What happened?”

Nick pointed at Kayleigh. “She kicked her ball at me.”

Kayleigh cowered behind her mother. “I didn’t mean to.”

Jane glared at her son. “Nickolas! It was an accident. Now guys, Mrs. Madison is going to keep an eye on you while I take Nick to the hospital.” Jane and Nick walked out the front door.

Carolyn turned to the kids. “Hi guys. This is my daughter Kayleigh. Kayleigh, this is BJ, Leslie, Angel, and Aaron.” Kayleigh smiled shyly.

BJ reached out and grabbed her hand. “Come on! We’re playing hide and seek and Aaron’s it!” The girls all ran up the stairs.

The little blond-headed boy ran after them, screaming at his older sister. “But BJ! I was it last time! It’s your turn.” Carolyn shook her head, laughing, as she walked into the kitchen. She was hoping that her daughter was making friends, even though she had an odd way of doing it.

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Two hours later, Jane and Nick returned from the hospital. Carolyn and the kids were all lounging in the living room, watching the Little Mermaid.

“Kids! I’m home!”

Aaron jumped into his mothers arms. “Mom! BJ was being mean to me. She made me ‘it’ the whole time we played hide-and-seek.”

Jane giggled as BJ pointed to Nick. “What’s that thing on your face?”

Nick looked at his sister. “It’s a splint.” He pointed at Kayleigh, “She broke my nose.”

Kayleigh’s eyes filled with tears. “I told you I was sorry! It was just an accident!” She turned and ran out of the house and back to her own.

Jane glared at Nick. “Nickolas! You apologize right this second.”

“I’m sorry," Nick mumbled, looking at his shoes.

Carolyn smiled. “Thank you, Nick. But I don’t think I’m the one you should be apologizing to.”

Nick reluctantly walked out the back door of his house and over to his new neighbor’s. He spotted Kayleigh sitting at the edge of her pool, dangling her feet in the water. “Hey…” He said, quietly.

Kayleigh quickly wiped her eyes and turned to look at him. “Hi…I’m really sorry about your nose.”

Nick laughed lightly. “It’s okay. I shouldn’t have snuck up on you like that.” He pointed next to her. “Mind if I sit?”

Kayleigh shook her head and shifted over a little. “Nah. Go ahead.”

Nick sat down next to her and stuck his feet in the water. “So, you’re Kayleigh?”

“Yeah." She nodded. "Nick, right?”

“Yeah." He stuck his hand out. "Nice to meet you.” Kayleigh tentatively shook it and then stared back at the water. Nick watched as a tear escaped her eye and rolled down her cheek. “Why are you crying?”

Kayleigh wiped the tear away. “I miss my friends.”

“Where do they live?”

“In Connecticut. I miss it there. I don’t like Florida. There are no seasons here.”

Nick was shocked. How could anyone not love Florida? They had warm weather all year, the beach was their backyard, and, not to mention, Disney World. “You’ll make new friends here.”

“Oh yeah," Kayleigh scoffed. "I’m doing a great job of that already.”

Nick smiled. “If I was really mad, would I be sitting here right now?”

“I guess not.”

“So, what grade are you in?”

“Seventh. How about you?”


Kayleigh giggled. “Ha ha. I’m older than you.”

Nick pouted. “Hey. With an attitude like that, I’m not so sure that I want to be your friend.”

“I was just kidding."

Nick smiled. "It’s cool.” He stuck his hand out again. “Friends?”

Kayleigh shook it. “Friends.”

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