“Hey girl,” Brooke said, walking into Kayleigh’s living room. “How are you feeling?”

Kayleigh shrugged, never taking her eyes off of the television. “Okay, I guess.”

“Well, you need to hurry up and start feeling better,” Brooke ordered. “The apartment’s lonely without you.”

Kayleigh smiled slightly. “I’m sure you’re managing just fine without me.”

“Hey girls!” Carolyn announced walking into the living room She went over and kissed Kayleigh on the forehead. “How are you feeling, sweetheart?”

“A little better,” Kayleigh answered.

“Well, I’m running next door to help Jane out with something for a little bit,” she told the two girls. “I’ll see you girls later.”

“Bye Mrs. Madison!” Brooke called as she walked out the door.

“Tyler was here earlier,” Kayleigh told Brooke, turning back to face the television. “He brought me those flowers.”

“They’re pretty,” Brooke commented. “You guys have been talking a lot lately, haven’t you?” Kayleigh shrugged but didn’t offer a response. They both sat in silence for a few minutes. Kayleigh, wallowing in self-pity and Brooke, trying to decide whether or not to bring up a certain subject or not. Finally, she just decided to go for it. “So, have you told Nick?”

“No,” Kayleigh mumbled.

"Why not?!” Brooke exclaimed. “You know he’d be here in a second. Why are you trying so hard to shut him out of your life? What the hell are you trying to prove?”

“I’m just giving him his space,” Kayleigh whispered, holding back tears. “I don’t want to come in between him and Lauren. They’re happy. I don’t want to ruin that.”

“But Kayleigh,” Brooke said. “What about your happiness?”

“I told you, Brooke,” Kayleigh snapped. “I’m giving him his space. Now drop it.” She turned her head back towards the television and the two, again, sat in an uncomfortable silence.

Finally, about a half an hour later, Brooke noticed that Kayleigh had fallen asleep. She quietly stood up and tip-toed into the kitchen, picking up the phone and dialed a familiar number.

“Yo!” someone’s voice filtered through.

“AJ?” Brooke questioned. “It’s Brooke.”

“What’s up baby?”

“Nothing much,” Brooke giggled. “Listen, is Nick around? It’s kind of important.”

“Sure babe,” AJ answered. “Let me get him.”

“Carter!” AJ called, interrupting Fatima’s dance instructions. The guys were in Orlando, brushing up for their North American ‘Millennium’ tour. “Brooke’s on the phone.” Nick grabbed a towel and walked over to where AJ had his cell phone.

“This is Nick,” he said.

“Hey Nick,” Brooke replied.

“Hey what’s up?” he asked. “Is something wrong with Kayles?”

“Well sort of,” she answered. “It’s nothing too serious but she’s completely devastated.”

“What happened?” Nick asked, impatiently.

“She blew out her knee in a game last week,” Brooke responded. “She tore her A.C.L. and had surgery yesterday. Her career’s done. She’ll never play soccer again.” The other end of the line was silent so Brooke continued. “She’s devastated, Nick. I’ve never seen her so out of it. She won’t admit it but she really needs you. Is there any way you can get here?”

“I’ll be there as soon as I can, Brooke,” Nick told her before hanging up his phone. Brooke quietly sat Kayleigh’s kitchen phone down, hoping she had just done a good thing.

An hour and a half later, Kayleigh still hadn’t woken up when Brooke heard a car pull up in the driveway. Careful not to wake her, Broke quietly made her way outside just as Nick stepped out of his car.

“Hey!” she greeted him with a hug. “She’s asleep on the living room couch. I’m gonna head home. Just tell her to call me later.” Nick nodded and made his way inside the Madison’s house as Brooke got in her car and sped away.

Nick found himself staring at Kayleigh’s sleeping form for a few minutes, not wanted to wake her up just yet. Ever since she had left Europe, he noticed their friendship falling apart. Something he had promised himself would never happen. He could tell Kayleigh was desperately trying to push him away, although he didn’t really understand why. After they had slept together, he did everything he could not to let things uncomfortable between them. But it was almost as if everything Kayleigh did had the opposite effect. It was almost as if she was distancing herself on purpose and he couldn’t, for the life of him, figure out why.

A slight movement on the couch brought Nick back to reality. He stared at Kayleigh as she slowly woke up. Her eyes squinted as she tried to focus on who was standing in front of her.

“Nick?” she mumbled, trying to sit up. She winced in pain as she moved her left leg the wrong way.

“Don’t try and move,” he told her as he sat down next to her. He brushed her hair out of her face, causing Kayleigh to shiver under his touch. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“You’ve been so busy,” she answered. “I didn’t want to bother you.”

“Kayles, you’re my best friend,” Nick told her. “Nothing you say or do bothers me. I wish I could’ve been here for you.”

“Nick, you have your own life. You don’t always need to worry about me. I’ll be fine.”


“Just leave it alone, Nick,” Kayleigh interrupted. “So how’s everything been going? It’s been a few weeks since we’ve talked.”

‘Because you won’t return any of my calls,' he thought. “Fine,” he answered out loud. “Tour starts next week. I’m pretty psyched.”

“That’s cool,” she replied. “And what about Lauren?”

“She’s coming along again,” he told her. “She’s going to take a semester off. I’m so excited.”

“That’s great,” Kayleigh lied, wishing it was her going with him instead of Lauren. “I’m happy for you.”

“Thanks,” Nick smiled, not picking up on the wistful tone in her voice. “Maybe you could come out for a weekend or something.”

Kayleigh smiled. “Sure.”

“Anyway, so how are you? Really?” Nick asked. “I know there’s more going on with you. How is this really affecting you?”

“How do you think?” Kayleigh whispered. “It’s killing me. Soccer was my whole life. I mean, what would you do if, suddenly, you couldn’t sing anymore?”

“I’m sorry, honey,” Nick responded, pulling her into his arms. “I wish there was something I could do.”

“Well, you can’t fix everything,” she said, wiping her eyes. “But it really means a lot to me that you’d even try.”

“You know I’d do anything for you, Kayles.”

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