“So Kay,” Brian began as he collapsed on the couch beside her. They were backstage at Wembley Stadium in London where the guys had just finished yet another sold out show. “You and Nick coming out with us tonight?”

“Yeah, Kayleigh,” AJ joined in. “I’m beginning to wonder what goes on with you two behind closed doors. I mean, you hardly ever come out with us. Now Nicky, I can understand. But I thought that you were a partier.” Kayleigh rolled her eyes at him:

“Shut up, AJ. You know that nothing’s going on with Nick and I.” Kayleigh knew she was lying to him. Though only on her end. Nick was completely in love. With Lauren. Not Kayleigh. Kayleigh, on the other hand, finally realized over the last few weeks in Europe that her feelings for Nick were somewhat deeper than friendship. “And yes, we are going out with you guys tonight. I could use a night of alcohol-induced fun.”

“That’s the spirit!” AJ cheered, just as Nick, Kevin, and Howie entered the room.

“What’s the spirit?” Howie asked, collapsing into a chair.

“Leigh and Blondie are coming with us to Limelight tonight,” AJ answered, happily.

“We are?” Nick questioned, glancing in Kayleigh’s direction.

“Yes. We are,” she replied.

A few hours later, after running back to the hotel to shower and change, the guys, along with Kayleigh, Leighanne, Kristine, and the bodyguards, found themselves seated in the V.I.P. section of the Limelight, one of London’s hottest clubs.

“So, what’s everyone drinking?” AJ asked. “I am on a mission to get Carter and Madison drunk.” Kayleigh rolled her eyes at him:

“AJ, you fail to realize that I’m a twenty-year old college student. I drink. Quite a lot, I might add.”

“Now isn’t that sweet,” Kevin commented, jokingly. “America’s future at it’s best.”

“Fine,” AJ said. “But Nicky here doesn’t get bombed enough.”

“And I’m not going to get ‘bombed’ tonight either,” Nick informed him.

“Why not Nicky?” AJ teased. “Live a little. Get waisted. Cheat on your girlfriend.”

“Oh that’s real nice, AJ,” Leighanne scolded.

“What is everyone having already?” AJ asked, exasperated. Everyone gave he and Eric their drink orders and waited while they went to get them.

Two Hours Later:

“Hey you two,” Kevin said to Nick and Kayleigh after they both downed yet another shot. “Maybe you guys should slow it down a little.”

“Do you hear something, Kayles?” Nick slurred. Kayleigh pretended to listen really carefully:

“Nope. Can’t say that I do.”

“Oh well,” Nick sighed, dramatically, turning back to Kayleigh. “You, me, dance floor. Now!” Kayleigh saluted him and the two of them got up and walked, or actually stumbled, towards the dance floor.

“Lighten up, Kev,” Kristin told him. “They’re young. They’re just having fun.”

“I just don’t want them doing anything stupid,” Kevin said, watching as Kayleigh and Nick danced extremely close to one another. “They have a really close friendship. I wouldn’t want one night of drunkenness to ruin that. I mean, what would Lauren think if she saw that?” Kristin shrugged and looked out towards the dance floor.

Nick grabbed Kayleigh around the waist and pulled her closer to him, placing is knee in between her legs. He bent down and buried his face on her shoulder, inhaling the scent of her.

“When did you become so damn hot?” he asked, his lips only millimeters from her ear. Despite how drunk she was, Kayleigh almost froze. Did he really just ask her that?

“I don’t know, Nicky,” she giggled, pushing herself up against him. “Probably around the same time you did.” Nick playfully growled in her ear before snaking his tongue out along her earlobe, causing Kayleigh to squeal in delight.

“Well, looky-here,” Brian commented to Leighanne from across the dance floor. Leighanne glanced over to where he was pointing. “Looks like AJ’s going to get his wish.”

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