Kayleigh sat on the plane, headphones on, staring out at the clouds below. She glanced at her watch and sighed. Another two hours at least before she would be landing in Italy. She was beginning to go stir crazy. Sitting on a plane for an eight hour flight by themselves was enough to make anyone crazy. She had already endured six hours of it and had about two more to go. She leaned her head back on the seat and closed her eyes, thinking. Her life had changed since Nick had left a little over a month ago. Ever since she had broken up with Tyler, she had vowed herself to become more independent. And she felt like she had. Her friends in Florida had all noticed a change in her attitude ever since she found out that Tyler had been cheating on her. Taking Nick’s advice, as soon as she left his house the night before he left for Europe, Kayleigh headed straight for Tyler’s apartment. She confronted him about the other girl and of course, he denied it. After hours of arguing, apologies, and tears, she ended their four year relationship. All she wanted to do at that point was to join Nick and the rest of the guys on that plane to Europe. She needed her best friend and she needed him in Florida. Not on the other side of the Atlantic. It took a fight with Brooke to make her realize that Nick wasn’t always going to be there for her. She wasn’t always going to be able to count on him to make her feel better.

After closing her eyes for what seemed like only minutes, Kayleigh was woken up by the pilot’s voice on the loud speaker, announcing that they would be landing in Rome, Italy. She gathered her discman and cd’s and put them all in her back pack. Once the plane landed, she picked up her bag and followed the other passengers off of the plane.

“Kayleigh!” She heard someone call from behind her. She spun around and saw Eric, one of the Boys’ bodyguards, waving frantically at her. She ran over and threw her arms around his neck:

“Hey E!”

“What’s up girl?” Eric asked as they walked towards the baggage claim.

“Not much,” Kayleigh answered. “Where’s Nick?”

“Are you kidding?” Eric asked, as if hers was the stupidest question he’d ever heard. “I can’t bring Blondie here. These European fans are savages.”

“All fans are savages,” Kayleigh pointed out. They gathered up her luggage and caught a cab back to the hotel. When they arrived at the hotel, Eric told her to go ahead and see ‘Blondie’ while he brought her luggage up.

“I’m coming!” Kayleigh heard a voice call after she knocked on the door. A few seconds later, the door swung open to reveal Nick naked from the waist up.

“Hey Kayles!” He exclaimed. Kayleigh’s eyes were glued to Nick’s chest. She didn’t remember him ever looking so good.

‘What the hell are you thinking, Kayleigh?!’ her mind screamed at her. She quickly tore her eyes away from his chest and threw her arms around his neck:

“Nicky! I missed you so much!” Nick picked her up and carried her into his room, shutting the door behind them.

“I missed you too, honey,” he said, setting her down on her feet. “So why the hell haven’t you been keeping in touch?” He playfully hit her on the arm. “I’ve been calling and calling you and you never call me back. What’s the deal with that?” Kayleigh sighed and sat down:

“Nothing, Nick. It’s just that Brooke made me realize that I can’t always rely on you.”

“Of course you can, Kayles,” Nick told her. “And I want you to.”

“No. She’s right,” Kayleigh said. “I can’t always count on you to make my problems disappear.” Nick was about to argue with her but she cut him off.

“So, where’s Lauren?”

“She went home,” Nick replied.

“Why?” Kayleigh asked, surprised. “I thought she was staying for the whole tour.”

“She was supposed to,” Nick answered. “But her grandfather got sick so she won’t be back until after you leave.” Hearing that, Kayleigh had a sudden rush of relief. She wasn’t sure where it came from and just brushed it off as a feeling of happiness that she would have her best friend all to herself for a few weeks.

“So, did I tell you?” Nick asked, breaking Kayleigh’s train of thought.

“Tell me what?” Kayleigh questioned.

“About me and Lauren,” he said, smiling proudly. “She’s moving in with me when we get back.” Kayleigh felt her heart drop and forced a smile:

“That’s great!” Inside, she felt her heart breaking and didn’t quite understand what these new feelings were about.

“Thanks,” Nick said, grinning. “I can’t wait. I love her so much.” Kayleigh just plastered a fake smile on her face. She couldn’t understand all of these feelings she was having. Jealousy towards Lauren. Wanting for Nick. What in the hell was going on with her, she wondered.

“Kayleigh, you okay?” Nick asked. “You look kind of funny.”

“I’m fine,” Kayleigh lied. “Just tired, I guess. You mind if I lie down for a little while?”

“Go ahead,” Nick told her. “I’ll go hang out with the guys.” He helped her get settled and then walked towards the door. “I’m glad you’re here, Kayles. I really missed you.”

“Me too, Nicky,” Kayleigh replied. “Me too.

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