Chapter One

Twelve year old, Kayleigh Elizabeth Madison walked out of Tomlinson Middle School in Fairfield, Connecticut with her two best friends, Skylar Myers and Melissa Christiansen. They had just finished soccer practice and looked for Mrs. Christiansen’s car, since it was her turn to pick them up. They spotted it and were about to start towards it when Skye pointed to a sleek, black BMW. “Yo! Leigh, there’s your mom!”

Kayleigh followed Skylar’s gaze “What’s she doing here?” She shrugged and said goodbye to her friends, telling them that she’d call them later. She ran down the hill and jumped into her mother’s car. “Hi mom! What are you doing here?”

Carolyn Madison smiled nervously at her only daughter, knowing Kayleigh was not going to like the news she had. “I came to take you out to dinner. There’s something I need to tell you. But it can wait until we get to Sidetracks. How was school and practice today?” Kayleigh grinned and began chatting away. Carolyn sighed. It’s not that she didn’t really want to hear about her daughter’s day. She just really wanted to put off what she had to tell Kayleigh until they were at the restaurant. It would be a lot easier to break the news to her in a crowded restaurant where she wouldn’t be able to make a scene.

They arrived at the restaurant a few minutes later. They were promptly seated and ordered their dinner before Carolyn started talking. “Kayleigh, honey, there’s something I need to tell you.”

“Sure mom. What is it?”

Carolyn fidgeted nervously. “Well, honey. I got a promotion.”

Kayleigh’s face lit up. “Really?! That’s great, mom.”

“Thank you, sweetheart. But there’s more.” She paused for a second, knowing that her daughter was not going to like the next part one bit. “They’re transferring me to Florida.”

Kayleigh dropped the fork in her hand. “WHAT?!”

The other customers around them turned around and looked at her. "Kayleigh, honey, keep your voice down.”

Kayleigh glanced around. "Crowded restaurant so I won’t make a scene. Nice one, mom.”

Carolyn winced from the tone in Kayleigh’s voice. “Baby, there’s nothing I can do. I know you don’t want to move. Neither do I. But we don’t have a choice. I have to be in Florida by the end of the month.”

Kayleigh’s eyes widened. “The end of the month?! But mom, soccer just started. How am I supposed to play down there? And how am I going to leave Skye and Melis? Why are you doing this to me?”

By this time, Kayleigh had tears streaming down her face. Carolyn’s heart broke. She hated to do this but she really had no choice. This promotion would give them so much more money and what Kayleigh didn’t know is that when her father had died a few years ago, leaving them nothing but a legacy of bad debt. “Kay, you’ll be able to play down there. I already have someone down there scoping out the best school districts and neighborhoods. And, honey, Skye and Melissa have been your best friends your entire life. They’re not going to forget about you. And I’m sure you’ll make friends just as good as them in no time.”

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