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Me No Mienai Hagashii Kurushipi (Blind Agony)

"I Never Give My Real Name."

Because "On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero."

Am I Blind, Am I real?

Do I see, do I feel?

I can hate, I can cry

I can love, I can die

I am blind, I'm not real

I can't see, nor I feel

I do hate, and I cry

I don't love, for I die



Some times I wish upon a star and think that bliss is not too far, but then I slip back to reality and realize that this is not for me...

YES, The Eyes pictured here are mine, different colors? It's called lighting, calm yourself down and enjoy.



Sign Me!! I said Sign Me!! Please. And The Footsteps of those who have?

October. Three years without my grandmother. I have lived through the best year of my life so far and changed so much so often it's humiliating. However, I'm writing again. So, if you're here, enjoy the writing, I think?

*~*I know these aren't quite what you expected Nana...but this..and these...are all for you...So many times you were there for me...when All I needed was a Safe Haven...and literally Week after Week for Years you gave me that...I owe you everything Grandmother...R.I.P.*~*

We miss you Nana........everything sucks without you. I have no escape anymore, instead of coming to see you on the weekends I have to resort to hurting myself. Life sucks, I hope I can see you soon. I love you Nana...I miss you.

My Poetry/Songs/Writings
Thank Yous
ICP's Under the Moon
My Pics of Friends etc.
Short Stories
Who Am I??
