A Page Dedicated To My Friends

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I made this page as a way to show my friends how much they really mean to me. I've learned that there are VERY few people in the world that you can depend on to always be there for you...luckily I have been blessed with some of the best people around as my friends! There is no way that I can really show or tell you how much I care about them but here's a try at it....

Valerie--Well, we've been through it all! Never forget New Years, pagents, aliens, horses, and all the other crazy stuff we've been through! You've been one of my best friends for the last two years and I don't know how I could possibly make it through life without you! I love you girl!!!

Donnie--Thanks for being one of the best friends a person could have! You're the coolest...good luck on finding a girl! haha Always remember the good times and the bad...especially New Years...what little you can probably remember! LOL I love you...come see me!!

Wesley--Well you've seen me at my best and you've seen me at my worse! Thank you so much for always being there when I need somebody to cry to...it seems like you always know just the time to be around to talk to! You are and always will be one of the wisest guys I know!! Never forget pagents, talks on the phone, New Years, pretzels, playing checkers, and every other great memory we have made! I could not make it without you! You deserve the very best and don't you EVER give up until you get it!!! Love ya lots!!

Brandon (My Dear)--Geez, what is there to say? You're so precious! hehe Thanks for always being there with a shoulder for me to cry on. I'm so glad I came here and that we've gotten so close. Whenever things go wrong and I wanna go home you always just give me that look and it's all ok. (Must be something with you Tester boys! hehe) Thanks for everything, I can only hope I am as good of a friend to you as you are to me! Love ya!

Jamie (Sunshine)--You brighten my days. I'm glad I got to meet you and become good friends with you (even though you won't talk to me for longer than 15 minutes at a time! hehe). I can only hope that through the next year and a half we will continue to become better and better friends. Thanks for being there for me to confess my stuff to (hehe...you know what I'm talking about). Love ya!

Jamie B.--I just can't help but flirt with you! haha I try not to but I just can't do it. I really enjoy the talks and I'm going to miss you soooooooo much when you leave me. I wish you the very very best in life and I hope you get everything you need and want. Always remember when things go wrong you've got a friend back home, please keep in touch with me! Oh yeah, and if ya ever decide to get rid of that ole lady of yours...well you know! *wink wink*

Zack--Well don't ever forget everything! Always remember "LOUD AND WRONG IS BETTER THAN SOFT AND RIGHT", crazy trips to Tazewell, trips to Abingdon (you about running over me), my cars too small, talks, talks, and more talks, and well every other memory that I have been blessed to make with you! I miss you so much since you're gone now...I can't wait to see you at homecoming!!! Best of luck in all that you do...never forget you have a friend in me when ya need one! Much love to ya!!!

Scott (WRANGLER)--Thanks! That pretty much sums it up! haha Even though you get grouchy and mean sometimes you're still the nicest, sweetest, and my all time favorite feller! I wish you luck in all you do, I'm always here whenever you need anything...just give me a ring. You're always the person I call at 1 in the morning just to talk when I'm feeling bad, I wouldn't ever replace you!!! I miss you a lot since I'm gone, I can't wait to get in to see you again!

Brenda and Steve (My second set of parents)--Thanks for having a home for me to run to when I can't take mine anymore. Your whole family is great, I love being around you guys. Thanks for taking me in as your youngest child! hehe (you know, the one you never really wanted!) I miss you all!!!! Come see me!! Love ya!

Mike--The giant moth, that should sum it all up for you! haha Don't ever forget us all growing up together, the many bus trips and all. Also, don't ever forget the times we've all spent together recently. Come see me! I miss you lots!

Justin G.--You are my best "non-sexual" friend (hehe) and there's no possible way I could make it through life without you! Never forget all those late night/early morning talks we've had over the years! I miss ya a lot, but no matter how many miles we are apart we're only a phone call away...never forget that! You're the best, please don't ever change! =) Much love to ya!

Josh (Ozzy)--Well where do I start with you? Umm, way back in the day remember I hated you a whole lot, and remember me fallin and you walkin off like a moron, and us driving real bad, and trips out to my car after lunch, and well so on...there's so many I couldn't put em all on here! Oh you could never forget us making fun of most everyone we know, and all the lunchs, and well gosh....you know em all...just never forget em! haha And don't ever change because you're the coolest person I know, you're number ONE!=) Stay away from the bad things in life, you really don't need them! Much love to ya! Miss you tons!!

Justin Cooper (Coop)--Thanks for everything, I miss you tons and I can't wait to see you again. I'm so glad you came into my life, you helped me a lot in a lot of bad times...I could never repay you! Love and miss you always!

Savannah--Well what can I say about you that you don't already know huh? You're just cool! haha Don't ever forget me or all the things through all the years....all the FIGHTS, smiles, CRIES, and well everything you could ever go through we've been through together...there's way too many to mention! Thanks for all the great times, great trips, and great talks! We've been best friends since 6th grade and always will be! And oh yeah...I'm not takin the true/false off the test! haha I Love you!

Don Curtis--Thanks for everything over the years! You are my best bud and you always will be!!!! I love you!!!

Shell--Well I hate to say it but my lord I MISS YOU!!!! You're the best sister in the whole world and you're too far away now! Thanks for being more than just a sister but my best friend...I could never ask for a better sibling!!! I love you!!!

Tenesia--You've been my best friend for my whole life and I could never repay you for everything you've done for me! Thank you so much for always being there and know it's the same here, no matter where life leads us in the next few years we'll always be friends!! Don't ever forget all of the memories of us growing up together, whether it be when we were kids playing together on the playground to now, going to school together and living together. Please never forget all the years!!! I love living with you, I wouldn't ever wanna be with anybody else, you're like my second sister...thank you so much! I love you!!!

Matt (T-Dawg)--You're a great guy and I'm glad I've gotten the chance to know you. Please always remember that I am here for you if you ever need anything. I think you're great and all but you guys are still too young to get married! haha Thanks for all the talks when things go wrong in my life, you don't know how much it means to me. You've made me realize a lot of things and I'm glad...thanks for always being honest with me about things even when it's not what I want to hear! You got me away from some really bad people who probably would have gotten me into a lot of trouble...thank you!!!!

Luke--You are by far the sweetest guy I know! Thanks for all the talks, all the laughs, and all the advice! I wouldn't replace you with anybody else in the world! Lots of X's and O's to ya!!!

Baird--Well I'm glad you're back and that we've become buddies again! Thanks for all of the advice and most importantly always being there to tell me just how it is...good or bad! Call me and we'll get together! It's great just to know you're back into town!!!

And to everybody else you know I love ya!

There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold - and she's buying a stairway to heaven - and when she gets there she knows if the stores are all closed - with a word she can get what she came for. There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure - cause you know sometimes words have two meanings. In a tree by the brook there's a songbird who sings sometimes - all of our thoghts are misgiven. There's a feeling I get when I look to the west - and my spirit is crying for leaving. In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees - and the voices of those who stand looking. And its whispered that soon if we all call the tune - then the pauper will lead us to reason. And a new day will dawn for those who stand long - and the voices will echo with laughter. And it makes me wonder. If there's a bustle in your hedgerow don't be alarmed now - it's just a spring clean for the May-queen. Yes there are two paths you can go by - but in the long run - there's still time to change the road you're on. Your head is humming and it won't go - in case you don't know. The piper's calling you to join him. Dear lady can you hear the wind blow - and did you know your stairway lies on the whispering wind. And as we wind on down the road - our shadows taller than our soul - there walks a lady we all know - who shines white light and wants to show - how everything still turns to gold. And if you listen very hard the tune will come to you at last. When you are one and one is all - to be a rock and not to roll

It's all over now and we're all apart...it's been a GREAT 13 years...thanks to you all for the memories but most importantly the friendships that will last a lifetime! The best of luck to each of you...may God bless you all in life! I miss you all!!