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Quotes From The Critics

"I quite liked it. There is a tough of pretentiousness to it, but is beautifully shot. Lopez is really good." - Peter Travers - Rolling Stones.

"I really liked it ... visually arresting. Really gorgeous. Great paced. The director is very interesting. He's obviously influenced by Indian films. I'll recommend this to all of my friends. It's unique and of great quality - quite a nice change from the rest of the summer movies so far." - Antoinette Machiaverna - Today Show.

"Mind-blowing. It's visually intersting and such a unique story. A fresh angle on the tired serial-killer plot." - Robert Dominguez - NY Daily News.

"A sick 'f-ing' movie - and that's a great thing. I really slipped into its world. It's not for the squeamish. It makes you uncomfortable at times but I really went with it. It's more of a straightforward copaction movie with a fantasy element ... as a whole, the film works." - Ian Spelling - New York Times Syndicate.

"I went in completely not knowing what to expect and left very pleased. Jennifer more than held her own. D'Onofrio was also terrific." - Brad Hamilton - NY Post.

"What a fascinating premise. It was intriguing. I was tired but the film held a great pace and really kept me alert. All of the performances were wonderful. I'm a great fan of D'Onofrio's." - Donald Berman - The View.

"There are a lot of interesting things about it. The direction is what stands out the most. Some of the images are very striking." - Dennis Lim - Village Voice.

"Very strange but I enjoyed it. It had a 'Silence of the Lambs' feel to it. It was really scary. It was a little funny to see Jennifer Lopez as this blessed mother type but she was excellent and I really went with it. I'd recommend this to friends." - Chris Fahey - Access Hollywood.

"Parts of the film I had my hands over my eyes but I liked it. I never knew what to expect and that's refreshing." - Deepti Hinjela - AP.

"I thought it was very interesting. It is truly an example of the definition of a 'psychological thriller'. I liked the mix between reality and fantasy - right when you think you've had enough of being in the killer's mind the film goes back to real life. The pace is good - it definitely did not drag." - Jen Furmaniak - Cosmopolitan.

"I really liked it the visuals were absoutely amazing. The whole story was so wild, I really enjoyed it." - Andrew Thompson - International Cinematographers Magazine.

"Bizarre. Very 'out there'. It leaves you with that grimy, dirty feeling - kind of like Seven did. Jennifer Lopez is very fascinating on screen - my eyes were glued to her." - Doug Vaughn - Today Show.

"I was very eager to see it because I'm a huge fan of the REM 'Losing My Religion' video. Tarsem did not disappoint. The film is dazzling to look at. I was very impressed with all of the modern art and cinematic references Tarsem uses throughout the fantasy sequences. Jennifer Lopez looked really great throughout the whole film ..." - Devin Gordon - Newsweek.

"Arresting. Tarsem did a fantastic job with the film. It's very good ... Jennifer Lopez is terrific. The stand-outs in the film are Tarsem and Lopez." - Chris Farley - Time.

"Two very enthusiastic thumbs up for "THE CELL," starring Jennifer Lopez. This spectacular psychological thriller is one of the year's best films." - Roger Ebert - Roger Ebert & The Movies.