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To Kill A Mockingbird


Tom Robinson

Vocabulary Words

To Kill a Mockingbird tells of the life story of Scout Finch and her relationship with her brother Jem. They live in a small town in Alabama called Maycomb. They meet another young person named Dill when playingf by Boo Radley's house. Boo Radley is an old recluse and the children enjoy annoying him. They learn that people are not often what they seem like at first glance. They also learn that kind neighbors can put on an act when they are around people that they don't want to know their true self. Tom Robinson, a black man, is accused and given a trial for rape. In the end, Scout and Jem slowly they become aware of the racism in Maycomb. The biggest theme that shines throw in the novel is something said by Atticus, "Never judge someone until you've walked in their shoes." A minor theme is the education of children in the time of the novel.