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Welcome To The Loose GrunjPunkins!

The Ep Invasion!

The Loose GrunjPunkins!


Punkin' Grundge

Mike's Punks

America is an Oxymoron

Grundge Chaos/ Chaotic Grundge Hurricane- Grundge Chaos (Chaotic Grundge)- main melody thought of in car(van)ride home from 99+1 recording studio(for final work on the vocals) All other riffs thought of later on thru jamming and during recording, except the one from the Sega Wacky Worlds' Space level's first music block in it's green book. Second to be recorded. Thought to be over 3 minutes long in length. Recorded December the 23rd?(28)"Chaotic Grundge Hurricane (Grundge Chaos)

The Punkins are Loose!

Old School Punk

Dead or Alive-Dead or Alive-30 second already recorded instro jam. A song probably written (basic melody) at the end of school(?) and then recorded after additions were added from jamming and during recording.

(28)rerecorded version on 27th... recorded as originally written down not off the top of my head like previously. Sounds similar to Mxpx's Pxpx- it was stuck in my head that day at school playing right over the teacher's words, literally. Now longer than 30 seconds and including more organized Dick Dale picking guitar

December's Tribute to November

Have a Nice Grungy Day!

Sporadic Trinitrotoluene

The Loose Punkins

Let's Ride!


Simple- Minded Hypocrites


i Teriyaki Socket!

Sestina de Materialisme

Floating Scarabs

Flying Kernels

The Grunj Munkies

Attack of the Gorillas



Psycho Rain


Bass Jam

Haunted Fairgrounds

I'm Dying

Burning Embers' Last Request

The End Of The World

Band Bkgd and Infor

The [Loose] GrunjPunkins were formed by the influence of MxPx's "Let It Happen" to be a really fast, old school, grundge- punk band. Our debut ep was formed with the extreme influence of "Let It Happen" and several riffs sound quite comparable or parrallel to those on "Let It Happen"'s grundge-punk 1/2 of the album. Ironically enough, the above picture was taken on Halloween 2003, before I ever heard Let it Happen- the day before- and before I ever had any ideas for The Loose Grundge Punkins. The only single idea for this, was the name "The Loose Punkins" which I came up with out of nowhere walking to or fro the bustop in October or before I believe. This picture is as good a grunjpunkin picture as I could have hoped for with awesome attire, on Halloween, a "punkin" in front, awesome bright orange and green, and symbolism such as the flag waving by my head and the materialistic car under it( I had previously edited out the tire so it looked like lights behind me as opposed to a vehicle, but it looks like a materialistic vehicle and it's under a flag) representing materialism in the united states which is perfect, and those eerie plants that are reaching towards me, my facial expression is un-interpretable(anger? happiness? surprise?-like the grunjpunkins' music, and the punkin's facial expression is likewise ironically similar to mine: uninterpretable, as well a good avatar of our music... shouting in emotion and concern, not anger), as well my shirt resembles that of a skeleton. Surely this is a blessing and maybe a sign from God.

The GrunjPunkins have created their own distinct characteristic sound as heard specifically in Grundge Chaos and Grundgy Day. A highly distorted guitar effect (not necessarily heavy) on a fast, riff variety or power chords driven guitar. The most popular and chorus riffs are formed by the rapid picking of the guitar's low E string and made a riff by quickly hitting certain ferrettes on the E for different riffs. (The E string fills all gaps between notes not the open E string note)

Song info yo

Leviathan- cover of a the couch monkies song that influenced much of the grunjpunkins characteristic sound

Mike's Punks-Single riff lead tribute to MxPx.(As of 28th >)recorded just lead guitar and attempted Power Chord(PC) guitar- on the 26th.

December's Tribute to November- 4 note lead song written on 12-1-03. The date is the 4 notes on the E string of a guitar

Simple-Minded Hippocrites- the name of possibly two lyric lead songs criticizing... something. No anger intended- it's just for the cool sound

(28)Started with the intentions of a ska song influenced by the Channelsurfers track 2 song on Tunnel Vision... but no ska in TLGP yet- at least on debut, let it happen ep. Very fast, loud to shouting, punk vocals with out any breaks for breaths. No syllables for a pause. Now have melody and music. Sounds similar to Pennywise's Bro Hymn unintentionaly. I might have to change it. Also thought of calling it "You Can Never Trust The Quiet Ones"

Shifting Minds- a rap written in the morning and finished in the shower. Meant to be lead punk vocals to a song

Have a Nice Grundgy Day!- At first only the idea of very hard music and vocals, but with lyrics about how simply lovely the day is. Had no music idea. Started jamming. Came up with a chord progression and added a little riff we'd found a few days before. Jamming lead us to a riff almost the oppossite of Grundge Chaos and that became the lead riff. This could be the greatestdriving/cruising song ever! Much better than any of us expected , because we didn't expect anything and came up with something great! The third song to be recorded. Written and recorded in 2 days. Except one riff thought of a few days before others were created. Written one day, recorded the next(Christmas Eve morning. took about more than an hour)All riffs in the song that weren't written down the day before were thought of during recording. Both this and Grundge Chaos were recorded at about the same time 8 something to about 10 somethin' a.m. they are thought to be recorded one day after the other.

(28) The original Grundy Day I've Decided to keep instro and call "Let's Ride" while later I made a completely different whole page of riffs created specifically for Have A Nice Grundgy Day! With lyrics as intended! (I'll post them soon enough)

School/Bass/Chicago/As my guitar gently weeps/Meant to live(Yet to be titled)- Thought of in the Monroe Technology Center bathroom hoping for another song to end the 2 week period set aside for music writing in school before christmas break. Now it starts out slow shifting from hard bass to high guit on different notes for an interesting sound. The bass line of the drug- Chicago song with high guit and rhythm very similar to Swithfoot's Meant to Live.(28)Now the intro is slow and then speeds up. No slow songs on the ep allowed

Japan Punk/Kikoman/Maui Socket(Yet to be titled)- Yo, I wrote this last night(December the 29th) and thought of it over the weekend at Old Rag Mntn. Lodge. Crazy Japanese people screaming Japanese scattered throughout this crazy, very fast, not grundge punk rock song. Emphasis on drums and their variations as well as very fast bass and guitars only doing power chord crunches. Similar to something of the works of the 3 piece band mxpx.(28)Now I'm thinking of callin it "iTeriyaki Socket!"

Psycho Jam/Flying Kernels(yet to be titled?)- nothing is established for this yet. Intended to be a short fast as it gets jam with psycho sound effects such as animal noises, monster noises, and such truck.(28)Probably going to be called "Sporadic Trinitrotoluene". One 4 chord progression through whole song - 4 intro notes to storm medley by the couch monkies

Washington's '63 Grave Roll- the name of a summer inspired, calibretto 13 influenced, christian, political, acoustic, protest street band. Thought it would be cool to have a song for that band-aka any acoustic song that sounds calibretto 13esque and has a good fit for some crucial, critical words- since there are no established ideas for this band whatsoever. Last night (December the 29th)put together some past acoustic jams thought to be something hopefully related to W63GR. Had the intro riff, and used another kind of dreadful monster movie riff for a bridge but need the most important chorus or verse. Came up with awesome chord progression that could be used for either... so ..okay that's cool, yeah!(28) Today finally thought of some lyrics for this around the intentional lyrical attack of America's Godly Heritage being lost to liberal selfishness

Sestina de Matérialisme- so far an intended lyrical bashing on Materialism and America's selfishness. Today I wrote a sestina(French poem type) for English. Why not go ahead and write something for the band?/on a topic that would get the lyrics to a song out of the way? I don't think that I have any music so far... I'll just pick something out of my archives I guess and spice/punk it up.written on the 27th... nearly3 hours or more ago.(< 28th)

Floating Scarab/supernatural/swarm of locusts (Yet to be firmly titled)- came up with some good egyptian/surf-punk stuff and rejected it from the debut ep. Nothing but grunj and punk on Let it happenish ep! But then I was messing around and came up with this awesome fast grundge riff that could pass egyptian as grundge, as it is simply harmonic minor scale, or whatever sounds egyptian, played with as much or more grundge as the other songs. Need some good lyrics criticizing the foolishness of someone not believing in the supernatural, especially ignorant, sheltered Americans. Came up with some ideas for lyrics. Need to be very awesome as they will be very serious(<28th)

Mike's Punks pt.1/ Mix Punx- the exact same layout as Small Town Minds where Let It Happen kicks into gear with its grundgypunkin jams. Just merely different notes and chord progressions and lyrics. Exact same beats and rhythms. Lyrics: Mike's Punks are Pokinatcha to let it happen all over again. It's a tribute to the old school punk of Magnified Plaid. ...The Grundge Punkins are Loose! Loose Punk! Loose Grundge!.... yeah! Punks! Grundge! Punkin Grundge Go! Grundgies! Punks! YEaah!!!! Recorded as the first song on a brand new Grundgpunkin/couchmonies (so far just GP) tape on 26th.. just went right through first 3 songs in mxpx/grundgpunkins medley intro. recorded sometime after 4:30 in an insane state of frantic rush and depression. 27th.. attempted to record drums ...didn't work... I guess it's just too grundgy for my recorder to handle... not a bad problem.. but there was too much static to hear the music to follow the drums.(<28)

The Loose Grundge Punkins/Punkin' Grundge- The same chord progressions and riffs from the preivious pt.1 in the way we wanted it, unrestricted. It starts out with a similar parody beginning to the track 7 on LIH and blends from pt. 1 like 7 does to 6 on LIH. Then after the riff it keeps playing getting harder and faster, changes over time more and more. Then there's a clash and the real song starts. Recorded on 26th(<28)

The Matchmaker's Protest Song- I don't know why I didn't put this on here earlier... forgot I guess... inspired by hot tub talk from my mother and sister trying to pair me up with girls and talking about who I'm going to marry, etc. One of the things that can drive me insane. So I promised them a protest song against them. My sister tells all of her friends about the song I'm going to make about her. A heavy metal screaming song.(<28)

So far the ideal/decided order of the songs is as follows(leaving out the ones not for the album):

Mix Punx

Punkin' Grundge

Mike's Punks

Let's Ride!

Grundge Chaos

Simple-Minded Hypocrites

Old-School Punk

December's Tribute to November

i Sporadic Trinitrotoluene!

Sestina De Materialisme

Floating Scarabs

Have A Nice Grundgy Day!

Dead or Alive (live)


Miles Fall in Plaid

The Yet to be Identified Psycho Drummer


Just a little more than a day ago I saw MxPx live! It was awesome to just see the boys real and alive and human, ten feet from me.


107th(?) into 108th make links for all songs and actual pages for many. Need my notes and journals to write lyrics and such..easier. Move bgd infor and pic to bottom, put in new pic.
