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That Train Central! -This Train's Only Fansite

This is This Train's Most Likely To Be Most Official Website

This page contains various pages and links of information concerning the music of This Train.

This Train still exists as the most creative and intriguing source of music I have yet had the pleasure to have encountered. Perhaps it's because so many of my personal views and interests are expressed through their blending of comical, yet deep, concepts and colossal riffs that rock the mere-luck-hits out of other bands that the world praises. It seems as though the band has not yet met the aquaintence of favor in the world's eyes or ears, and yet the music and energy they bring to the souls of those who receive them is life-changing and lasting. What they achieved in 5 years is the equivalence of a life-long band's musical achievements. Mimes Of The Old West alone is enough fuel to propell them past the talents of both past and present musicians alike, creating a new milestone in the known world of music and in our lives. It deals thorough creativity and favorable talent by means of consistency and organized individuality. I am constantly awed by the talent portrayed in their music trilogy and bewildered further by how few appreciate its blessings and significances. The music and truth shared with us through their progress is very comforting and worth keeping with you in life.

This Train has made good use of their given time on earth and have blessed the world with their lives. I am so thankful that I have been dealt the life I possess so that this music that gives me such constant happiness, love, and strength for the future could be with me in my life.

The members of This Train are

o t h e r s

Albums by This Train

Individual Pages

My Personal Opinions And Preferences

Various Comments,Thoughts, or Reviews (submitted by me, you, or others)

The Highly Heated Debate On Country This Train

Little Cheap Facts That Have To Do With This Train

Other Musical Preferences Of Mine (or music that I own)

Credits And References To Where I Acquired Some Of My Information As Well A Log Of My Progress On My Website

Any This Train Link That I Know Of

This web address is

To look up a song, type the previous address and then /songs/ and then the title of the song you're looking for (only letters and numbers; no punctuations or spaces).

Contents Of A /songs/ Page:

[each individual feature will be added to the song page eventually, not all songs have these features]

the song's title (according to the album's cover or packet thing with a little help from the "Real Jukebox")

the song's significance (according to Mark Robertson)

who wrote the song

the song's musicians and their instruments

song length

the song's style and sound(basically in my opinion)

lyrics (as best as I can decipher them or as best as someone else can or from the album's packet thing)

tabs (according to others and me)


the song's significance (according to Me)

The only exception to the address based, exact song titles:

wellleavethelighton2= "we'll leave the light on (demo/ backporch version)"


areyoureadyforthatgreatatomicpower= (Are You Ready For That) Great Atomic Power.

[By the way, it might be a good idea to not look at the /songs/ pages if you've never listened to the albums; it could spoil the experience of listening to it yourself for the first time as well as any surprises lying dormant in the album's contents.]


Information concerning this train concert of creation '00. My reviews, lyrics as best as I can decipher them, reviews of albums, songs, etc., any info. or rumors of this train that's come to my comprehension, any this train links, any pictures from internet or scans, personals on this train concerning me, tabs, layouts, others' thoughts of This Train expressing their opinions, support, or dislike(obviously expressing their ignorance of the greatness),and other musical interests of mine, rank of albums and songs, the hunt for reviews and sites of This Train begins- and places to submit reviews,turn home page to spanish using that Free Translator website, etc.] wrote:

Hey Guys,

Mark Robertson here. I was pretty shocked to see a TT list in my mailbox...I guess I figured it was long gone. I still own a studio with Jordan Richter and see him everyday, unless one of us is touring. I still play and tour alot...Jordan sometimes runs sound for Sixpence. I don't see the Cobra as often as I'd like, but I do still get to see him from time to time...and yeah, we've been threatening to make another This Train record for awhile now. There are some complications with that, but you never know...I don't think Jordan really wants to be in a band anymore, especially a ccm band, and I'm not comfortable doing This Train unless Jordan and the Cobra are involved...just wouldn't be the same. I actually got over halfway through a very Praise music meets Radiohead kinda record about 2 years ago, but just kinda let that slip to the back burner for some reason.

Other things to get everyone (?) up to date are...after the Ragamuffin band broke up (I really miss that band but I'm really glad it's over...they are probably the biggest reason TT stopped playing/recording...)I started playing bass for a country artist named Mark Collie and we toured the entire summer of 2001 opening for Tim McGraw...that was really fun and the money was decent. Okay, the money was great! After that cooled off, Jordan and I decided to put some money/time together and start a proper recording studio...still called Roswell East. I've done a handful of solo dates, still write music for TV, commercials, etc. and produce records sometimes. I'll be producing one for Sony next month for an amazing artist named Matthew Ryan...very excited about that. I also have been playing in a local (Nashville) punk band called 'Flesh Vehicle'. I'll probably be leaving that soon, but it's been a blast. My Main thing for the past year has been playing upright bass for a band cal! led 'The Legendary Shack*Shakers.' We're going on tour soon (Jan. 28th) as the opener for Southern Culture On The Skids.

Janelle is doing great...April 1st will be our 3 years of marital bliss thing. We own a neat little old house from the late 1920's and have a very cool and funny dog named Doug.

If Anyone cares, thats more or less the latest...stay tuned.


[Sunday, January 19th 2003. 20:06:45-0500]

Most nearly all necessary information concerning This Train can be found at, This Train's official website (for as long as it still exists and is accessible). Much of the information from this site added after the 8th of May is directly taken from

This Train Group Click on the link(<) to look at the This Train group- on Yahoo Groups- where you can see all of the This Train mailing list posts and other band information and fans' input. To join the mailing list or group click on the "promote" link in the left column. My member name is, of course, Steirofomeundies- just like my email address.

Check Out These Awesome Bands' sites!

The Couch Monkies Central

The Loose GrunjPunkins' House

99 + 1

Click here for Concert and Ticket Information Yo!

Supposedly by putting this little .gif/link on my site, itickets will list my fanpage in their This Train info. I help them, they help me kind of deal. So check out some info. on This Train (basically just contacts)- compliments of!

{Any offensive statements expressed within the mines of this site are merely criticism and that of humor; no grudges are held by those who submit information or the developers of this site. Any comments, threats, or aid can be sent to the below email address. PLEASE talk to me! Also! any thing at all wrong with my site should be mentioned in a letter to the following address (I can assure you that it will be fixed.}
