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Three Legged Gizmo

This is my wonderful Gizmo, aka Lil' Man. One the morning of Wensday the 2nd of March 2005, around midnight, my mum came in and told me she needed my help. When i got up I never would have thought it was one of my kittens that she needed help with. I walked into her room across the hall and almost burst into tears seeing my Lil' Man on her floor in a pile of his own blood. We wrapped him in a towel and called the vet. Since it was midnight we had to take him to an emergancy hospital where they confirmed it as a car that hit him. We waited about 2 and half hours before they could tell us what was wrong. When the doctor finally came out he told us that Gizmo's left back leg had been broken in two places. one was a small fracture on the ball of the hip joint, the other was his femer... it had been broken so bad it was sticking out a little and there were spilnters of bone all over inside him. I wanted to break down and cry right then and there but i couldn't, my Lil' Man needed me to keep thinking right so I could help him. Later that day the doctors called and told us that we had 3 choices:

1: We could try to save the leg which would cost 35,000 to 45,000$ a surgery and there might have had to be 2 or more.

2: We could have the leg removed, which might have had to happen anyways, for 2,000 - 3,000$. This is the one we chose.

3: We could put him down. This was never an option in my mind.

Here are some pics of my Lil' Man the day he got home:

This is My Lil'Man

Here are his stamples

He likes his new bed

Look he likes you all too

Ok Hes done with pics for now lol

These are from 3-25-05 a week after the stichz came out.

He likes his new toy too

He still playin

He lookin at food

His bro and him

His bro loves him

His brother was the same size as him

He trying to scratch his head

He can't reach it

Finally scrtchin his itch

His new walk
