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This page has been moved.

My trust has been betrayed. If you havnt been invited to this page you should not be here


Im very disapointed to find, that someone who once told me they would like to hurt people that make me cry has brought tears to the same eyes they swore to protect.

This is not something I will get over easily.

And if you are reading this you have now done it twice. so if you really want to hurt me/us just tell me you seen this.

All that know anything about me and how I work on things know I dont like the work to be seen before it is finished unless I invite you before hand for your thougths, before that point you are invading my personal space; and I dont take kindly to it.

Trust is givin by my at first. Once broke it must be earned back and that takes time. Trust broken Twice is not forgivin.


P.S. It's really not hard for me to tell when someone has been into my things.

so now that I dont feel safe to have anything personal or to call my own including my thoughts.
you may set the pc settings back to just your account because im deleating everything of mine off if it and tossing out my journals and anything else people cant be trusted with.
and if if my happiness seems to go out with it. and you wounder why i seem hurt and upset dont ask why " just look in the mirror.