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Welcome to My Havens


 Sandy's Pretender Haven has moved!


Sandy's Pretender Haven has a new home at

If you have arrived here via the old URL's on Austarnet or Angelfire please add the new URL to your favourites/bookmarks.

The site has had a redesign and all Wallpapers, Calendars, FanFics, Picture Galleries and Screen Caps are now located from within this site.



 Michael's Haven has moved!


Michael's Haven (mtwhaven) is now located at

A few changes to the design and a few more coming soon, when time permits.

Please replace the old URL in favourites/bookmarks along with any page URL's.

Don't forget to check out the Picture Galleries, Calendars and Merian's Wonderful Wallpapers and Collages.




Report any Broken or Missing Links

These sites are purely for entertainment purposes and are not associated with TNT , The Pretender or Michael T. Weiss in anyway.
Site design By Haven Creations 2003 - 2005
