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Human females are such rich and wonderful
creatures. Their sexual life, and feelings, are
subtle, complex and deep. How naive is the man who
believes that having sex with a woman is so little
or so brief a thing as to fall within the
parameters of a horizontal plane, the simple
stimulations of a skin, the results attendant upon
a simplistic manual dexterity. How woefully
ignorant are the engineers of sexuality. How much
to learn have even her artists and poets! Women
are so inordinately precious. They are so
sensitive, so beautiful, so intelligent and
needful. No man has yet counted the dimensions of
a woman's love. Who can measure the horizons of
her heart? Few things, I suspect, are more real
than those which seem most intangible.

~Blood Brothers of Gor, pg. 181-182~

~ Created by:Lesa ~