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Would you run in wooden shoes? Why do you expect your horse to?

Traditional saddles use a solid tree made from wood or other synthetic hard materials which are placed directly on the horse's back.  This tree provides stability for the rider because it provides a solid base to sit on.  When made correctly it can also be comfortable - for the rider, however the story is much different from the horse's point of view.  When this traditional solid tree is girthed to the horse it is acts as a splint on the horse's spine, not to mention the additional pressure when a rider climbs on!  The horse quickly learns to limit their movement to avoid the pressure and pain caused by a solid tree saddle. Traditional saddles also can cause pressure points or rubbing problems which lead to saddle soring due to the saddle not allowing free movement for the horse. Because traditional saddles generally do not have a large enough surface area to spread the weight of the rider comfortably on the horse's back, this means additional pounds per square inch are being applied to the horse's muscles which can impede his performance.  

Mile High Ranch Saddles Allow Your Horse to be His Best!

The flexible panel system is revolutionary in that it isolates a solid saddle tree from the moving horse's back.  Our system incorporates a solid tree for the rider's comfort and security but isolates it from the horse's back with two flexible panels which contour to fit the horse and flex while riding to allow the horse free movement.  The saddle tree never touches the horse with this saddle!   99% of fitting problems can be eliminated because the concealed flexible panels automatically adapt to the shape of the horse.  
Our saddles solve the problem of hard to fit horses, in fact we specialize in high withered, short backed, flat backed and "mutton withered" horses.  From short backed Paso Finos and Arabians to Quarter horses and Warm Bloods, our panels can make a saddle fit.  Most horse types can be fit easily due to the way the Flex panel system along with the adjustable rigging,  contours to the shape of each horse the saddle is placed on.    Because we have a saddle maker manufacture our own especially designed trees, we can guarantee your saddle will fit shorter, wider horse types then any other flex panel saddle available today.
Saddle soring and performance problems are also drastically reduced.  The flexible panels of our saddles provide 3 1/2  times the weight bearing surface of traditional saddles, which spreads the weight of the saddle and rider over a larger surface area.  This reduces the weight per square inch on the horse and distributes this weight more evenly reducing pressure points for the horse.  The flex panels also move with the horse while riding.  This allows the horse a much greater range of motion and reduces friction caused by the saddle.  No longer will your horse hesitate traveling down hills because he doesn't like the saddle tree jamming him in his shoulders.  No longer will he fidget and move around for saddling in anticipation of pain. The panels and the adjustable rigging combined will prevent bruising, trigger points, dry patches and white hairs seen on horses with improperly fitting saddles.  This also allows your horse to perform better and cures saddle resistance problems such as head-tossing, reluctance to extend in gait, bucking or outright resistance to being saddled and mounted.
Because we ride rugged mountainous terrain, we KNOW how important it is to have a properly fitted saddle.  Our especially designed tree allows for a close contact feel that you do not get with other flex panel saddles.
Call or e-mail us today.  The Mile High Ranch will be happy to suggest the perfect saddle for your horse and style of riding.      All of the Mile High Ranch saddles are made one at a time and are customized to your specifications.  Our master saddle maker Richard Watson of Fair Play, MO makes our trees and hand assembles every component along the way.   Richard guarantees the trees for life and his workmanship for one year.  This is the best warranty available today on any flex panel saddle made.
May you and your horse enjoy many years of riding in your custom Mile High Ranch saddle.


The Sapphire Model

The Selway Model
5 STAR Saddle Pads

100% Wool Pads

Caliente 15"

  IN STOCK NOW-Several Available

Round Skirt Baron One of a Kind!  

      We guarantee saddle fit for both you and your horse. We offer a 5 day ride guarantee. You have 5 days from receipt of saddle to evaluate the fit for you and your horse.  If it doesn't work,  you return it postage prepaid and insured and you are entitled to a refund.  The only thing you are out is the shipping expenses.  Saddle must be returned in the same condition to receive a full refund. 

We accept credit cards for payment through

New custom ordered saddles are eligible for exchange only,  no cash refunds.  Half the purchase price will hold any saddle for you.

Our Saddles are

Proudly Made in the U.S.A.


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Last modified: 02/01/05