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Lnobdukadci Ihtanknuiht

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Message Board

12/31/03- This page is brand new, so it's still under construction. Soon, however, I'll start posting the scripts I've been typing and encrypting. At the page, which some how doesn't always work, there is the program that I use to encrypt, which is called ParadoX. It's pretty easy to use, but rarely do the programs at that site come with "Easy-to-use" instructions. I'd like some feedback from you guys, so feel free to e-mail me at Thanks. Anyway, you may want to put the Al Bhed Translator
site on your Favorites list, since soon I'm going to start posting messages in Al Bhed. Since the page is new, I'd like you all to sign my guest book, give me some feedback, or just make some comments on things you might want on the page, or taken off the page. Also, and most importantly, those who want to receive the "Lnodbukadci Maddan" in your e-mail (which is letter containing news about games, web addresses, program names, and sign-ups), should e-mail me at and tell me you want it. All of you can feel free to make this site your home page later on, once I get a search link in here. This page is under construction, so just hang in there. By the way, Leah caplan is a spaz! Anybody who doesn't know Leah Caplan, just ignore that last statement. By the way, there's now a game at the bottom. Use the mouse to move him left and right and use the left mouse-button or the space bar to shoot. It's an okay game. I should have some more games and links up soon, so sit tight.

1/1/04- Hey, happy new year all of you. I'm going to start putting some messages into the Al Bhed language, so only those who use the link at the bottom of the page for the Al Bhed Translator will be able to read the messages. Make sure you sign my guest book, or send a message in the forum, or e-mail me. Thanks. Also, if you click on a link and it says something like "Could not find URL" or something, go back to my site and click the link again until it goes to the right place. If it never comes back, tell me. Also, when you sign my guest book, don't click on the "Guest Book" icon. Click on the text below that says "Sign Guest Book." Thanks.

1/2/03- I hope you all like the changes I made to the site. if any of you have any suggestions, E-mail or leave a message in the forum. You can all look foreward to seeing more items in the Site Menu, some more links, and I'll try to find more games. I'm going to start to write up the first "Lnodbukadci Maddan", so everybody who wants to get it, E-mail me. Thanks.

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Angelfire - Free Home Pages A very useful site, containing many, many hacking utilities, programs, and information (Use at your own risk).
New Grounds- A pretty good game site, even though I havn't really fully explored it.
Cheatcc- A very trustworthy game site, where you can get plenty of cheats and tips.
Homestar Runner- Very funny site, with animation shows and clips.
Gameshark- Another nice code site, specifically for Gameshark codes.
Yahoo Mail- Get a free yahoo e-mail address right here.
Ron Pabbles- This is my friend, Ron's website. He made it so that you had to join up with his site to get the "full effect".
Al Bhed Translator- Use this to translate the Al Bhed language (Including the title of this page!)
Free Translation- I don't know why I put this here, but just in case you need to translate any other language... Here, you can download games, programs, utilities, and more for your computer. I use this site a lot.

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