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Past Montvale Baptist Events

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Past Events

On Saturday, October 29, 2005, Montvale Baptist hosted an

Old Fashioned Wiener Roast on the church grounds.

It was a beautiful fall afternoon and a good number

of people turned out to enjoy a time of fellowship, food and fun.

We gathered together with members of

Gospel Light Baptist Church

(home church of Montvale Baptist's Pastor Poff).

The blaze gave notice to the neighborhood that

Montvale Baptist Church was enjoying the fellowship

that only comes through the gathering of God's people,

to rejoice in the salvation which comes only through

Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Some of the people who came out for an

afternoon of fun and food had to stand

a bit from the fire.

The heat from the fire felt wonderful,

but as the fire grew the fellowship

moved farther from the bonfire.

When the fire was not so high and hot some brave souls moved to the food!

"Let's roast those hot dogs, but don't get too close to the fire!"

Even though it was the last weekend in October

all of the trees had not yet turned completely.

Some remained as green as if it were summer.

But the beauty of God's creation still showed.

Sometimes the fire was just a bit to hot to roast hotdogs!

Brother Danny kept the bonfire going strong.

Pastor Earl from Gospel Light Baptist watching fire.

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