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China was and still a cheat  

China is bad news to the economy of the Western World.  

Note: We created this permanent column or section exclusively about China to write and monitor what they have been doing from the last twenty five years and onward in sabotaging the economies of the Western Countries, assisted by those they corrupted. We will explain later as we go on. The Montreal Tribune has been banned in China for the past 15 years.

China's military in 'secret rise'

The US defence department says China 's military is growing in a secretive way, raising the risks of conflict and misunderstandings.

China's People's Liberation Army testing missiles in the South China Sea, 29 July 2010

China 's People's Liberation Army tests missiles in the South China Sea

The growth of China 's military is shrouded in secrecy which could give rise to "misunderstanding and miscalculation", a US defense department report says. China has been upgrading its land-based missiles, expanding its submarine force and nuclear arsenal, the Pentagon's annual report to Congress said. It also said that China has extended its military advantage over Taiwan . The report confirms US concerns about the rapid growth of China 's military.  

Book critical of China PM on sale

A new book by a Chinese dissident about Premier Wen Jiabao, which challenges his image as a reformist, goes on sale in Hong Kong .

Author Yu Jie

Author Yu Jie could be arrested and face jail for his book

A controversial new book written by a Chinese dissident critical of China 's Premier Wen Jiabao has gone on sale in Hong Kong . The book, entitled China 's Best Actor: Wen Jiabao, dismisses Mr Wen's image as a reformist. Author Yu Jie told the BBC his aim was not just to criticise Mr Wen, but to develop the idea of free speech. Mr Yu was briefly detained last month by the police, who warned him not to publish the book. Wen Jiabao has gained popularity in China by showing sympathy with ordinary people, especially during natural disasters like the mudslide last week.

China scholars warn of arrogance

File image of tourist looking at the Bund in Shanghai

The scholars said economic confidence was serving as a foundation for arrogance

China 's confidence in its economic development is turning into "national arrogance", according to a group of Chinese scholars. In a set of articles published in a state newspaper, they said that China might have lost its traditional virtue of being modest and become intolerant. And they questioned whether the world was misreading China or whether China itself was to blame. The cause lay in a refusal to accept some universal values, they said. 'Contaminated'- China is definitely changing. It is now the world's second largest economy after the United States . It has the biggest foreign exchange reserve - about $2.5 trillion (£1.6tn). By Shirong Chen BBC China Editor

China axes inefficient factories

China has ordered more than 2,000 factories to shut by next month because they are wasting too much energy. The government described the outdated smelters and other processing plants as backward. It is unclear how many jobs will be lost. The move is part of a broader plan for a substantial cut in energy use. China overtook the US last year as the world's biggest energy consumer, but with a bigger population it is still well behind in consumption per person.

US engineer sold secrets to China

FBI picture, undated, of Noshir Gowadia

Noshir Gowadia risked a lifetime in jail for a mortgage in Maui

A jury in Hawaii has convicted a former US engineer of selling military secrets to China . Noshir Gowadia, who helped design the propulsion system for the B-2 bomber, was found guilty on multiple counts - including conspiracy and money laundering. Indian-born Gowadia, 67, could be sentenced to life in prison. The case is one of a series of major prosecutions targeting alleged Chinese spying in the US . By Peter Bowes BBC News, Los Angeles US-China spy jailed for 15 years 08 AUGUST 2008 , AMERICAS US holds four China spy suspects   Russia and China 'spying on US'   China jails US man in 'spy' trial

China swaying politicians with gifts, sex: MP

Calgary MP Rob Anders says Chinese authorities have attempted to buy the influence of Canadian politicians with money and sex.

Calgary MP Rob Anders says Chinese authorities have attempted to buy the influence of Canadian politicians with money and sex. (CBC)

A Calgary Conservative MP is accusing Chinese authorities of attempting to buy the influence of Canadian politicians and government officials with financial incentives and prostitutes, suggesting some officials may have been compromised. "I know politicians who have done things that I think are antithetical to their character and I know those politicians to have been offered things — whether they were lucrative business deals or sexual favours while

China manufacturing output slows

Chinese manufacturing output grew at its slowest rate for 17 months in July, as the government continues efforts to rein in rapid economic growth. The official purchasing managers' index of manufacturing output fell to 51.2 in July from 52.1 in June, said the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing. Analysts said the slowdown came as banks continue to make it harder for firms to borrow money. Beijing has long been concerned the economy could be overheating. Analysts said continuing efforts to cool property prices were also having a knock-on effect, as this was further limiting bank credit. Related stories China allows IMF report release   China data shows economy cooling

U.S. takes tougher stance with China
The Obama administration has adopted a tougher tone with China in recent weeks as part of a diplomatic balancing act in which the United States welcomes China 's rise in some areas but also confronts Beijing when it butts up against American interests.(By John Pomfret, The Washington Post)

Chemicals washed into China river

Floods wash barrels of chemicals into China river - Rescue teams in northeast China are working to retrieve 3,000 barrels of chemicals washed into a major river, state media says.

Barrels of chemicals float in the Songahua river in Jilin on 28 July 2010

Teams at eight stations on the river were working to collect the barrels

Rescue teams in northeast China are working to retrieve 3,000 barrels of chemicals washed into a major river, state media says. Severe floods washed the barrels, from two chemical storage facilities, into the Songhua river in Jilin city. Around 400 barrels have been recovered so far by workers at eight stations on the river. Water quality was being checked and no chemicals had yet been found in the water, state media said. Several parts of China have been hit by flooding in recent weeks, amid the worst seasonal rains in a decade. Elsewhere in Jilin , 30,000 people in the town of Kouqian were said to be trapped by floodwaters after a reservoir and two rivers burst its banks. In pictures: Flooding in China   Chinese helpless in face of floods

Mekong catfish 'faces extinction'

Fishermen with a giant Mekong catfish in Chiang Khong, Thailand (File image: WWF)

The Mekong region is struggling to balance its fishing industry with the need for hydroelectric power

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) says that dams on the Mekong River may wipe out several endangered fish species. Among them is the Mekong giant catfish, one of the world's biggest freshwater fish. Its bulk alone is impressive, it weighs up to 300kg (661lb) and can grow as long as 3m (10ft). China , Laos , Thailand and Cambodia are all planning hydropower dams along the river to meet the increasing demand for electricity. As freshwater creatures go, the Mekong giant catfish is definitely among the most charismatic. By Guy De Launey BBC News, Phnom Penh Related stories   China rejects Mekong dam claims   Mekong dolphins 'almost extinct'   Greater Mekong's species spectacle

China 'main source of EU fakes'

An EU report says 64% of fake or pirated goods seized in the 27-nation bloc last year came from China - a 10% increase on 2008. Clothing was the biggest category of goods seized at 27%, while the amount of illegal CDs, DVDs and electrical goods seized showed a marked decline. The economic downturn accounted for a fall in customs interventions. Black market cigarettes, fake labels and counterfeit medicines were common contraband, the EU says. There were significant quantities of contraband shampoos, toothpaste, toys, medicines or household appliances that could pose a health hazard, the European Commission report said on Thursday. China sued by US software company    Tourists warned over fake goods     EU seizures of fake goods up 125%    Battle over global anti-counterfeit treaty

China 'jails Uighur journalist'

An Uighur journalist who spoke to foreign media after riots in Xinjiang last year has been sentenced to 15 years in prison, his employer said. A regional court in China 's remote western region found Gheyret Niyaz guilty of endangering state security. Correspondents say the sentence is unusually long for someone with a low international profile. Nearly 200 people were killed last July in clashes in Xinjiang between Muslim Uighurs and Han Chinese. XINJIANG UNREST: The website, where Mr Niyaz worked as an administrator, posted a note quoting his wife who was in the court on Friday. China challenged over Urumqi riot   China police 'crack terror ring'   China changes Xinjiang party boss   More death sentences in Xinjiang

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